Yar's Revenge Easter Egg - Must Be a Looooong Name

After a few screens, if you destroy a swirl in mid-air and fly up the back line while firing, you will see the initials HSWWSH.

Lame, but hey.

User Rating:
  5.3/10 with 25 votes
Contributed By: Rick O'Shay on 10-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Atari 2600 cartridge of "Yar's Revenge"
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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CaseyB writes:
HSW = Howard Scott Warshaw, the programmer. Maybe the doubled-reversed notation is an homage to the classic XYZZY egg?
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Coku Tau 1 writes:
Atari 2600! Yep! Yars Revenge was pretty cool. Do any of you remember Raiders of the Lost Ark for the 2600? Remember in the manual it stated that a Yar was sighted in the mountains...well, there is one. The map of the canyons you fall down is, in its entirty, a bit map image of the Yar and the gun you have to kill in Yars Revenge.
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Coku Tau 1 writes:
Speaking of 2600 games, the very first Easter Egg I'm aware of in a game was in one called "Adventure". Pick up the dot in the black castle, go to the screen(s) with the black line wall, it disappears, walk in and it says "Created by Warren Robbinett". :-)
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stonic writes:
Re Raiders: I don't see how the Mesa field looks like anything from Yar's Revenge. Can you explain this to me (in detail)?
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Hey, I actually managed to get this easter egg to work... ...although it froze the game and I had to reset. Darn, and I was at the level where the swirly thing chases you too
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Fat_albert writes:
Sort of an intresting tidbit: Yar is Ray spelled backwards. Ray Kassar (Not sure on the spelling of his last name) was the CEO of Atari at the time. It was Ray's revenge against Activison, a company started by some of Atari's programmers. Also Raiders of the Lost Ark, I believe had a place or something called Rassak (or however his last name was spelled)
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