Reboot Easter Egg - Famous People

Okay. This is something you have to moniter episodes for. Watch every day and look for things that are three blocks set on top of each other. These are called binomes. The animators were given the challenge to add features to these binomes so people could recognize famous people. There are a whole bunch of them, and I can't remember which episode each are in, so watch every day. There are Scully and Mulder (sorry if I spell these wrong) from the X-files. Indiana Jones is also in there. And my favorite..........
Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. The only episode I can give you is the second Sailor Moon sighting, me being a hard-core Moonie. That would be the second to the last episode. There's a bunch of others, too.

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 44 votes
Contributed By: Amy-chan on 10-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Cable, so you can watch Reboot on Cartoon Network at 4:00 Central Time
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Kinsale writes:
Well, I know of Sean Connery, most of the people in Star Wars and...can't remember any more.
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JPazk writes:
There's an (obviously) Elvis one and I have no idea how many more (in one episode, the 8-Ball on top of Bob's building falls off and the Indiana Jones one does an obvious parody while running from it-- though it may not be concidered a parody really)
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lance writes:
In the episode where they have the "web war" they have Jean Luc Picard and Captain Kirk there.
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These are not Easter Eggs. These are just jokes. The characters (binomes) are usually relevant to the story in some way.
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Umbaglo writes:
Hey, don't forget about the old YTV mascot in the Enzo's birthday episode.
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Zarel writes:
In the first episode when Enzo is grown up, when they get into the game Andrea(I am not sure if that is how you spell it) reboots into a Xena like character and the girl reboots into Gabriel. She also is trying to write a story about Andrea like Gabriel was doing with Xena.
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Saria-chan writes:
True, Scully and Mulder appear, but their names are Nully and Modem. I know this for sure XD lol I'm a big Toonami fan.
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The Sailor Moon thing was in one of the episodes near the end, also Kiss was in one of these near the end, in the one with Enzo's birthdays they had the Village People, some of the stuff isn't an Egg, like the Agent Fax Modem and Dana Nully, those where clearly pointed out, although there are some orther I really can't rmber because Cartoon Network canceled it.
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Devomatic writes:
I thought I'd mention that Data Nully was actually played by Gillian Anderson, while David Duchnovny declined the role of Fax Modem. The so-called YTV mascot is recurring character Mike The TV. And Enzo's girlfriend is AndrAIa.
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Animedude010 writes:
I LOVE Reboot! In the final episode of the third season (End Prog.), When the system crash is taking place, the Sailor Moon binome is smashed into the ground by debris! Also, did anyone notice that Gavin Capacitor (the Crimson Binome) is named after Gavin Blair? Animedude010
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Syrie writes:
In the X-files episode, if you pay close attention, you'll see that right before Modem is blown up, he's looking at tow pices of paper. One saying Vancouver and the other L.A. At the time the episode was made, there was lots of talk about the X-files leaving Vancouver.
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Dilandau writes:
I noticed the Sailor Moon ones right away and I wasn't too thrilled (because I hate Sailor Moon with a vengence) so I turned off my TV and growled about it for a bit.
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Selnyam writes:
Maybe it's just me, but on the "enzo's birthday" episode, at the end when Megabyte comes out and plays a guitar, is it just me, or is his whole arrival and performance very...Rob Zombie/Ozzy Osbourne? whatever, it is very sweet
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frieza writes:
actually, in the episode 'between a racoon and a hard place' the sailor moon binome appears in one of the last scenes (a crowd of binomes, enzo is woried that AndrAia made it out of the game, you can see the Sailor moon binome, but she has no significance, just a face in the crowd, perhaps that IS and egg
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