Betrayal in Antara Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

These are some cheat codes to get you through the game.
Ask a glass of water---teleports you to start of chapter
Man does my leg hurt---heals all parties of everything, including fatigue
Why am I so dull---you learn skills faster
Gotta have magic---Aaron learns all spells
Some call me tim---kills all opponents in combat

User Rating:
  7.3/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Kkitaa on 12-27-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: game and keyboard
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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slinker writes:
One of the cheat codes for this game is "Ask a glass of water" which teleports you to the beginning of your current chapter. In Douglas Adams "Hitchicker's Guide to the Galaxy" the main character, Arthur Dent, asks his friend, Ford Prefect, what is so unpleasent about being drunk and Ford replies, "Ask a glass of water." Oh, and I believe another cheat "Why am I so dull?" is a reference to Marvin, the permanenlty depressed robot in Adams book.
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