Diablo 2 Easter Egg - Lord de Seis, Shenk the Overseer, Halls of Vaught

I found this while reading the credits one day. Lord de Seis, one of the bosses in Diablo's Chaos Sanctuary was named after Rick Seis, the lead programmer.

Shenk the Overseer (expansion) in the Bloody Foothills of Act 5, is named after Phil Shenk, a character artist.

The Halls of Vaught (expansion), Act 5 was named after Fred Vaught, a background artist.

User Rating:
  4.3/10 with 249 votes
Contributed By: Zompernikus on 12-10-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: a computer, the game, and the expansion for Shenk and the Halls
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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wagonwheel writes:
Maybe it was a deliberate play on words to mean both?
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PCG342 writes:
If you look, (PC Gamer magazine notes this too), some names are derived from DII names in the credits or in the book. For example, the Civerb's set is from Dave Brevic's last name (backwards) and Fallen battle cries are words like "Dashow!" (another name on credits)
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zZznilarzZz writes:
Also, if you didnt notice, the fallen will scream things such as "RAKANISHU." this is the name of one of the lead fallens. You find him by the cairn stones in the stoney field. Just wanted to point this out.
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Yavanna writes:
If you compare the names of the Rogue hirelings to the names of the women who worked on the project, you'll see some overlap. I believe Colenzo the Annihilator was also named after someone (I can't remember who off the top of my head).
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