2010: Odyssey Two Easter Egg - Using the Zero Gravity Toilet

In the movie 2010: A Space Odyssey, the movie crew and director created an homage to the first movie. In 2001, there is a great moment on-screen as a character reads the instructions for a zero gravity toilet. It's an amusing scene.

Every time you see something written on the wall in 2010 that looks technical, it's actually the same instructions for using a zero gravity toilet. If you watcht the movie, you will see them everywhere.

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  7.2/10 with 55 votes
Contributed By: John McCarty on 12-08-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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The 2nd paragraph of the egg sounds great (text on walls are the toilet instructions), but how about a link to some images (screenshots, sorta) to show examples ? I remember the movie, but not what you're talking about in THAT much detail. Some pix would save me having to fast foward through it just for that.
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mustard writes:
picky, picky
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