Descent III Easter Egg - Tile Message on Floor in Chapter 9 - PTMC Spacecraft Factory

I came close to not mentioning this at all because it's not that interesting, but I was forced to by my annoying sense of wanting others to see something that maybe i only had. sad...

Anyway, get to Chapter 9 - PTMC Spacecraft Factory. If you don't know how to get there, type in "moreclang" and type "9" during the game then hit enter.

This level is staged on Mercury and flying your ship in the sun will cause damage {I usually type "burgergod" for invincibility}. When the level starts, your ship is under a platform protected from the sun and there is a pathway in front. Only leads one way so this should be easy to describe.

Fly straight down the pathway until you get at the "Y" or fork in the pathway before the first entrance, then stop. Turn 90 degrees to your right and fly straight.

If you scavenge the floor as you pass over a small hill, towards the end before you run into the side of a wall {mountain} you'll see the message "4 Straight Hours" and a picture of an eye above it.

The first thing that comes to mind is that the workers of the game and level were...hmm, let's see...working 4 straight hours maybe? The placement is interesting because they know where this message is located: where you shouldn't be aimlessly flying a ship {due to the damaging effect of the sun}. But of course any joe that's invincible can fly around if he's bored and find it.

Well, that's all I know about it for now. I'm not sure if there is a deeper meaning to it or if there are more messages like this in the game, but if so please give a response. I'm actually interested.


User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 17 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-19-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Any version of Descent 3
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Tony Gies writes:
It could mean that the mountain took 4 straight hours to sculpt?
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