Rushmore Easter Egg - Hidden Names

Locate the part in the film, towards the beginning, when Jason Schwartzman's character is having people sign the petition to bring Latin back to Rushmore. At one point, the actual pieces of paper with all the names are shown close up. On either the first or the second piece of paper(I can't remember which exactly), pause the scene. Read the names very carefully, and you will find among them Alex Greenwald, Jacques Brautbar, Darren Robinson, and Sam Farrar. Those men are Jason Schwartzman's band mates in his real-life band, Phantom Planet.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 61 votes
Contributed By: Meghan on 11-11-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the NON widescreen Rushmore, your Pause button, and good eyesight
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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americangum writes:
That is an amazing egg. First, I had no idea those were Jason Schwartzman's band-mates, and second I had no idea he was in Phantom Planet. I voted it a ten because it's supercool.
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