Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace Easter Egg - Star Wars Crawl En Francais? Mais Oui!

There was an egg posted previously on how to get to the out-takes. I'm repeating it here because it leads into this next egg. The way I found it was, watch the movie, and while the movie is playing access Title 3. Do this by pressing Title until the number 3 comes up, then press Play. This will give you the out-takes. When it's done, you should get the Tatooine menu. Go to Chapters, then press "up" twice to highlight Chapter 3. Then press Enter. Instead of going to the "Short Negotiations" scene, it will play the opening crawl (including "A long time ago...") in French. This will also work if you jump to title 4, 5, or 6 while the movie is playing, then go to the Chapters menu and select Chapter 3. Theoretically, this could work just by jumping to any different title when the movie is playing and then going to the "Chapters" menu as detailed above. HOWEVER, this also causes a problem with the disc (as I do not believe it was supposed to be accessible in Region 1 players) because it tends to repeat the "crawl" over and over again, not getting any further into the movie. I have also had the audio crackle out on me and the image freeze at one point. Will this cause damage to your player? I don't know, but I thought it was interesting that this was on here because in the USA, the Episode I DVD does not have an option to play it in French (at least not the one I bought).

User Rating:
  4.3/10 with 34 votes
Contributed By: jimmymac34653 on 11-07-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Episode I DVD, access to Titles. Discovered on Pioneer DVL-909 player.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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nidot writes:
If you stick in in a DVD-Rom drive you can access some French stuff. You have to explore the disk in My Computer
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patcrowley writes:
They can also be accessed by pressing the angle button during the English crawl.
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shanebye writes:
If you watch this movie on a DVD player, you can access a small snipit of this by accessing chapter 17 in the title search mode. It shows the character credits and they are the names of the voices of the French actors. It only flashes for about 5 seconds, so make sure you are a speed reader!
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John Doe writes:
This isn't really an egg, If you select French as the language the French crawl plays automatically.
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eastereggman writes:
Angle doesn't work on mine. I just tried and got that red circle thing.
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