Zoo Tycoon Easter Egg - Hidden Animals and Other Cheat Codes

Rename an Exhibit to "Cretaceous Corral" to be able to adopt Triceratops.

Rename an Exhibit to "Xanadu" to be able to adopt Unicorns.

Rename a guest to "Mr. Blue" to have all your guests wear a blue shirt, and it changes the Rooftops of Zoo buildings (Soda shops, Pizza Shops, etc.) to blue.

Rename a guest to "Alfred H" to have a flock of Birds chase all your guests out of the Zoo. (As in Alfred Hitchock's The Birds).

Place a Lion, Tiger, and Bear in the same ehxibit to be able to purchase "Yellow Brick Road" pathways.

On Halloween all of your guests will wear orange shirts, and you will be able to purchase "jack-o-lanterns" this only works on October 31st according to your system clock in windows.

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  6.8/10 with 326 votes
Contributed By: chjones on 11-07-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Zoo Tycoon Game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Simsonian writes:
Change guest name to "John Wheeler" to unlock all the animal shelters Change guest name to "Hank Howie" to get all the staff education programs
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haseebsaleem writes:
If you had your system clock changed to be 24 December, You will see an aircraft flying over the zoo with "Merry Christmas" banner with it. You can see the plane on your screen after 5 minutes of gaming.
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Topazwolf writes:
For the "John Wheeler" and "Hank Howie" eggs to work you have to give a man those name, as apposed to a child or woman. Good Luck :)
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TimberWolf writes:
To get the Unicorn you must RENAME an exhibit Xanadu. You cannot just name one Xanadu. Example, Exhibit name: White bengal tiger, rename to Xanadu. Don't build an exhibit and name it Xanadu. It just closes down the game.
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thpooky writes:
Also on December 25 you can purchase a snowman to add to your park. And for the yellow brick road you must put all of the lions, all of the tigers and all of the bears in the same exhibit.
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Zootycoongal writes:
To get the Yellow Brick Road, you MUST put an African Lion, a Bengal Tiger and a Grizzly Bear in an exhibit together otherwise it will not work.
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soccerwizard writes:
If you put the mermaid statues underwater, they break open and you will have an exhibit with mermaids swimming around!
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opalwolf writes:
also if you rename a visitor "mr. Moneybags" or "Rich Uncle Pennybags" then you get more money each day (I think) if you rename an exhibit "Microsoft" then that exhibit gets double donations and if you rename one "Doflopnok" then you get a dodo. By the way does anyone know how to rename an exhibit? I can't work it out, also what's the mermaid statue? and how do you put it underwater?
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Nick writes:
The mermaid statue is only available in Marine Mania. To rename an exhibit, click on the gate, Click on the name in the dialog box in the lower right-hand corner, put in the name you want, and then push enter.
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Nick writes:
If you hold [Shift] and press [4] or [F4], you will automatically get $10,000, but it either destroys a fence piece or murkens the tank water each time you do it. I always use this cheat in the beginning of the game, when I haven't built any tanks or exhibits. You can just hold down both buttons to get even more really fast, but make sure you start holding [Shift] first.
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Clay Brain writes:
how do you get doflopnok to work? It just doesn't seem to work !!
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