Rise of the Triad Easter Egg - Holiday Mode

1. Boot up rise of the triad on christmas day
2. Start a level and it should play christmas music
3. One of the heroes will also have a red cap on his head
4. Similar things will happen on other major holidays

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  8.7/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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Roby_NZ writes:
Yeah, this works for all or most of December. I remember noticing it around the 12th.
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zorg50 writes:
Another holiday thing that happens is when you beat the game. Watch up to the end picture, the keep on watching. The scene will then change to the same picture but with all the characters wearing Christmas stuff, and it says "The REAL End!" in the middle.
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