Rise of the Triad Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

1. Type "dipstick" to activate cheats
2. Type "flyboy" for mercury mode
3. Type "toosad" for God Mode
4. Type "chojin" for invincibility and all weapons
5. (to use your "all weapons" press numeric keypad 0
6. Type "lungdung" for gasmask
7. Type "badtrip" for Shrooms mode
8. Type "london" to turn on fog

User Rating:
  7.6/10 with 16 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Miner5 writes:
This would not probably be accepted as an egg, so i´ll just put it here. The dopefish can be found in the helpfile of the game. Just scroll down and it should be there. (This is not an egg since it´s not hidden in any way.)
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V_nome writes:
you forgot "cujo" for dog mode
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TrueBlue writes:
There are actually other cheat codes, but these are only for the individual weapons: double pistol- JOHNWOO that fast machine gun- PLUGEM bazooka- VANILLA heat seeker- HOTTIMES firebomb- FIREBOMB drunk missle- BOOZE flamewall- BONES (these names are nifty sounding) I forgot the other weapons (I think the excalibat is HOMERUN), but to be in the type of dog mode that makes you short, type WOOF.
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