Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace Easter Egg - Hidden Menu Backgrounds

This easter egg is simply various thematic backgrounds for the menu system in DISC 1 of TPM. There are three themes that I know of: Coruscant, Tatooine, and Naboo(default theme.)

To access these, simply use your title/chaper select abilites and select the appropriate title:

Title 4: Coruscant Menu
Title 5: Tatooine Menu
Title 6: Naboo Menu

also, if you select Title 3 you can view the outtakes without having to type in "1 1 3 8."

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 51 votes
Contributed By: Aric on 10-24-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: DVD Player that can select titles
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Muljo_Stpho writes:
Success!!! I have figured out how to get the out takes on Playstation 2. First you must start the movie. Then you can use the title numbers as described above. (Get the menu on screen and select the right turn arrow labeled "go to title". Next, type in "03". Note: when doing this for the alternate backgrounds it often takes you to the menu. Just click back to the main menu.)
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norp writes:
This is not really an egg in my humble opinion. These alternate menus are randomly chosen when you use the DVD, well at least they are on PC and Playstation 2 - i only played it once on a real DVD player and got the Naboo menu but they are definitely random.
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rljenk writes:
If that doesn't work, try holding down one of the directional menu buttons before the ship appears. That seems to "force" (pun not intended, but appreciated) the viewer to play the corresponding menu set.
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Brian writes:
"There is another..." Actually there are 4 theme menu's; the other is 'THEED' and it's on Title 7...
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DMMAlpert writes:
The instructions given do not work for my DVD player, but I found that this did: When you first start the disc, you will get the FBI warning screen. If you enter the following number while the FBI screen is up, you will get the menu of your choice when the menu loads. If you wait for the second warning screen, it will be too late. 1: Coruscant Menu 2: Tatooine Menu 3: Naboo Menu
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Raschid writes:
I wonder how many ppl understand the significance of 1138? "THX 1138" sound familiar? It's one of George Lucas's earlier films, pre Episode 4 - A New Hope. That series of letters and numbers crops up a lot, if you look out for it.
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Edrick writes:
After experimenting on my PS2 I've figured out the following things: Tracks 4,5,6 are "jump" tracks that go to the menu from their respective menu theme. Tracks 7,8,9 are "jump" tracks leading to the main menu. Each menu has a different intro scene which you can see if you type the appropriate number at the first FBI logo screen. (I think the FBI logo method is the "normal" way to set the menu theme and the others are side effects.) All of this works on the PS2, but to use the 4,5,6 or 7,8,9 track jumps you have to be in the movie. (I like chapter jumping to 2 or 3 to do it.) The Sony PS2 DVD remote makes this stuff a little easier to do and if you turn the time display on before you type your code in on the first FBI logo you can see if it accepted it. (If the code works the time display will briefly vanish and the screen may flicker.)
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