Infantry Easter Egg - Physics

If you go to CTF:Extreme and use ?showphysics you can see some things the creators put into the maps.
First of all, to clear things up, type in: ?showphysics
Your game should show the little squares and triangles in different colors indicating elevation.
In spec mode(the overhead fly by mode) move down to S15 on the map(lower right hand corner).
You should see a message ;)
There is also another message over to the left a little, it may be harder to find, its coordinates are from P15 to about Q15. This one is actually a garden.

User Rating:
  7.7/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: bobbysmith56 on 10-14-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Sony Station Client, Infantry
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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AbYsS writes:
There are also hidden images and messages in TDM. If you type "?showphysics", you will see images. If you type "?showvision", you will see messages. Note, however, that both commands cannot be used simultaneously. To see both the hidden images and messages look in the exterior of the map using the commands.
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coolman5001 writes:
There are also messages in CTF: Twin Peaks! Go to the spot right above the dropship on the right (between it and caves) in spectator mode with ?showphysics on and you'll see HI!! written on the screen!
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Jadriel writes:
Interesting ... I had no idea this was still in the game after Sony bought it. For those curious, the message refers to a well known player, Tranquil Rage, who was constantly baiting the map creators. His reward was the showphysics message :) A well known one, and one you probably are already aware of : If you type ?briefing you get a weird little wav play from the original pre-Sony title.
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Yeah, Unit92 added that after several hours discussion regarding the "One Spirit" logos in Chambert's Moon back in the day. He added a bunch more too... somewhere around that same area were a few messages like "nothing down here"... In Twin Peaks somewhere there is, or was, one reading "Unit's Garden" and some flowers showing the different physics colours. The reference "Tranq STILL Sux" refers to the original that was placed on the Eol, WZA, map. At N6 there were ?showvision blocks that read "Tranq Sux" That was still in place until recently when Unit expanded the map, and removed those physics.
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Yeah, this all started back in WZA when Judicator added OS logos to the Chambert's moon map... In response, Unit added "Tranq Sux" to the then WZA map, Eol. That message was also in the Eol zone until recently at N6. Sadly, the map was extended, and the message is gone. Later on, when Unit made Extreme, "Tranq STILL Sux" was added, much to the amusement of any true vet :) I remember in one zone, I forgot which, there was a "Unit's Garden" in ?showphysics where the different physics colours were used to display, erm, flowers. Not sure if it's still there, wherever there is...
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