Futurama Easter Egg - Hidden Code

This is so cool if you can remember to do this. On every episode of Futurama, there is a code, almost resembling hyroglyphics. Sometimes it is on the side of a building, or on a poster on a wall, or on a billboard. It is up to you to break the code when you find it!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 171 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-09-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Tv, sharp eyes
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

To the top right there is a sign which states
To the top right there is a sign which states "Tasty human burgers"

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


The Websters writes:
What was the point of putting this egg in if you don't know how to crack the code? You'd better do some serious researching young man!
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If anyone is interested in reading more about this code, there is a website that has been tracking and translating it since the very first episode. Go to and click on "Alien Language."
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Actually, you click of "Alien Alphabet."
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TaffyDaffy writes:
Also, I found in the opening credits of futurama, up in the far right hand corner,there is one of the secret codes. Its very hard to find and to read. You might want to use a vcr with frame by frame if you want to figure it out.
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Aaron! writes:
I wrote the downloadable decoder on www.futuramaoutlet.com and I decode the symbols while I watch. I really think more people should work on the SECOND HIDDEN CODE in the program. There are some pictures of it on www.futuramaoutlet.com/ but they are only the start of somthing else...
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Brahma 3:16 writes:
Hey, www.futuramaoutlet.com doesn't work.
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Trp writes:
The code in the corner is hard to see especially if you just have it recorded, I know mine was. After minutes of squinting and rewinding, I deciphered the message and it says: TASTY HUMAN BURGERS Given that, you can figure out the symbols that stand for T, A, S, Y, H, U, M, N, B, R, G, and E and use them to decipher following messages in the shows. If you want all the letters of the alphabet you can find them by searching for "futurama alien language" at a search engine because at the time of this comment, http://www.futuramaoutlet.com is having troubles.
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Comment Man writes:
Does This happen to people: When i go to http://www.futuramaoutlet.com/ i cannot click on the Alien Alphabet and i can only click on Chat. does this only happen to me or to other people as well?
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doughnut writes:
The alien dialogue is easy to decipher if you have the 1st series on D.V.D. When you push any selection on the menu, it changes to the alien language, if you are quick you can jot them all down, except J,Q,X,Y and Z, this will require going back and forth as you cannot pause it! There are TWO in the 1st show. One in the cafe behind Fry and Bender on the slurm poster which reads DRINK, the second being on the wall as they escape from the Museum which reads VENUSIANS GO HOME. In the second show, there is one, again behind Fry and Bender, at the stall where Bender goes mental with the magnet on his head this reads TASTY HUMAN BURGERS which is also in the opening credits of every show. The rest you will have to get as I am not telling you any more.
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Flare_Q writes:
go to http://www.graphic-design.at/scifi/fu/decode.htm to find out what the letters mean
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Filpaul writes:
Earlier in the episode there is the same poster with the English "Drink". In the DVD comentary, the directors talk about how the whole Alien Language was deciphered miniutes after the first showing of the Pilot Episode using those five letters.
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Larry writes:
On one of the Futurama DVDs there is a special feature called 'Alien alphabet' which has the full list of alien symbols with the letters next to them.
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ekwfan6 writes:
http://www.gotfuturama.com/Interactive/AlienCodec/ here's a good site if you really want to find out about alien code.
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stevedeeg writes:
On the series 4 DVD if you click on the egg salad sandwitch a paragraph of alien code will appear. It translates into.. This dvd includes a specilly encoded easter egg which you are now meticulously translating from an alien language because you have no life and are a compulive nerdlinger, how sad, its especially sad if you don't speak english and you have to translate the alien language into english and then into your own tongue and you come upon a word like nerdlinger which really isn't a word at all, but still aptly describes someone who would actually translate such a word, and those of you who are reading this translating on a futurama newsgroup aren't any better. we lurk on those newsgroups and we know what nerdlingers you guys are. too, of couse, you're also probably our biggest fans. which is sad in its oun way, but since you went to all that trouble to translate an easter egg, we de owe you something, so here's a secret about the show, the writers, producers, directors and most of the actors who worked on the show are all nerdlingers too.
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dr. zoidberg writes:
Hi, I found the alien language translation key on an easter egg in one of the dvd volumes, although I can't remember which one. But you can also just grab a pdf of the key from here: http://www.omniglot.com/writing/futurama.htm happy hunting! one of my favorites aside from "tasty human burgers" is the graffiti on a construction site that reads "watch for falling humans"
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in the episode (i dont have a dvd so i dont know which one) where leila gets two eyes by that one orphan guy at the part where pretty woman is playing and (i think) its right before she gets the blind guy and show him she has two eyes theres an alien language on the left wall of the building on a white paper like thing. i havnt figured out what it says cuz i havnt paused it and figured it out tho
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