Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace Easter Egg - Outtakes!

YES!!! Outtakes!!!
Slap Disc 1 into your player and go to the "Options" page. The next part may be tricky on some players, so be patient if it doesn't work right away.
Press '10+' then '1'
Wait for your player to accept it.
Now press '3'
Wait for your player to accept it.
Now press '8'
With any luck, you'll get the outtakes now.


User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 358 votes
Contributed By: Edsel on 10-01-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: 2 DVD special edition
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Main Menu - Press enter when you highlighted options. Main Menu - Press enter when you highlighted options.
Main Menu - Press enter when you highlighted options. Main Menu - Press enter when you highlighted options.

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Verbal writes:
Here's how EVERYONE can get it to work: Select "OPTIONS" at the Main Menu. At the Options menu, punch 1 1 3 8 on your remote, with a pause between each number (your player should scan the disc with each number you press) and voila! Up pops a DVD production credit sequence which includes the outtakes. Some of them are quite good. For those who don't know already, the number 1138 is a reference to George Lucas's first professional film, THX-1138 (which also, obviously, inspired the name of Lucas's film mastering company THX) starring Robert Duvall (The Godfather, Apocalypse Now) and Donald Pleasance (Halloween, The Great Escape). Cheers!
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Doc Tiehead writes:
For those with the Sony DVPS9000es and probably with other sony players, you enter 1, 1, then enter, 3, enter, 8 enter. (There is no 10+ key on the remote)
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tjs writes:
Enter 11 then 3 then 8. On my DVD player I enter '>10','1','1' then pause then enter '3' pause and then enter '8'. Cool egg.
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Mabba writes:
Anybody know of a software DVD player that lets you do this?
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Kenbo writes:
When I do 1 1 3 8 on the options screen all it does is pause video behind the menu. 10+ 1 3 8 does nothing at all.
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sither writes:
No, that's not what's meant. On most DVD remotes there's a single button next to the nine or the zero, that, is "10+". On some DVD's it seems to work by pressing one, waiting, one waiting, three, waiting, eight waiting, and it turns on. On others it's "10+" then "1" immediately then waiting, then 3 then waiting, then 8 then waiting. On mine, you have to press 1, "10+", 1 really quick, then wait. Then press 1 again, then wait, then three, then eight. There are also outtakes at the end of the deleted scenes commentary
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Poss writes:
On the Region 4 disks there is no Options menu on disk 1 - just Play, Language and Scene selection. Any hints where the out takes could be? Tks.
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On the Samsung 709 and Ps2 with offcial remote you access this part by entering 11,03,08 and you'll access the out-takes.
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Mark writes:
I found it by pressing the shuffle button on my remote while the movie was playing.
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Kenbo writes:
I finally got it! On My DVD Player(Apex) you need to hit the keys in like so: [1] [+10] [1] [1] [3] [8]. The tricky part is getting the 11 (1 +10 1) took a couple of tries. good luck!
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slindo writes:
tjs was correct. Type in 11 then 3 then 8 and it will work. These out-takes are hilarious
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Lowry writes:
I cannot find the "Options" on the Main Menu. I have the Region 2 edition, is it only on the Region 1 version? Are you sure its on Disc 1?
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yoda writes:
My Samsung DVD-709 works this way. Type "11" by pressing the one button twice, Then stop and don't press anything. After about 3 seconds when the numbers disappear, then press the 3 key. Wait again for 3 seconds. Once that number is accepted and disappeared, then press the 8 key. It then will start the out-takes. Let the machine accept the numbers, pressing the enter key will pause the movie. The "10+" key is included on some controller. Mine doesn't have it so tried the above sequence and it worked.
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nutty writes:
How do you get this to work on a Region two DVD? There isn't even an options menu!
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Fafhrd writes:
For those of you who do not have Players that just accept the entry after a short wait. Press "11", then enter, press "3", then enter, then press "8", then enter. The menu music will begin again after the first two selections.
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Muljo_Stpho writes:
I don't have a regular DVD player. I have a Playstation 2. Does anyone know of a way to see these out takes on Playstation 2? (or perhaps on DVD-ROM?) I have a remote but it doesn't have numbers.
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ghostie writes:
Isn't the out takes just the same as selecting title 3? I was unable to use the keypad feature on my PC's H+ software to get to this, but I got to an out takes by selecting title 3.
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Aric writes:
if you have the ability to select "titles" in your DVD player, simply choose title "3"
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Mikejames writes:
People people..just go to track 3 of the first disc and there it is..
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Arkayngel writes:
Getting this to work is actually very simple. You need to input "11" "3" and "8" in whatever way your remote lets you do that. Just imagine that you are trying to skip to that track in the movie! How would you skip to Track 11? Or Track 3? Or Track 8? On my remote I press 1 then 1 again and wait. This tells my DVD player I want 11. When I do that the menu kind of hiccups and I know it is time to enter 3 and wait. The menu hiccups. Then I enter 8 and wait. Then the Outtakes play. I don't have to hit enter after each entry, but perhaps on yours you may. (For those of you that are curious, I have a Samsung DVD-709.) For those of you who have the 10+ key on your remote, use it in the same manner as you would to try to get to Track 11. So to review, however your remote lets you skip tracks, you want to go to Track 11, then Track 3, then Track 8. Hope this helps.
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creepsville writes:
For those of you who can't access the outtake reel by using 1138, you can access it directly by using the TITLE option on your remote and go to Title 3.
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CaptainSolo writes:
Alternatively you might just jump to Title 15...
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Peter writes:
I have a DVD-ROM built into my would I then get this egg to work if I have no remote?
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lunatic writes:
I Have a Sony DVD Player, and this works for me: 11, enter, 3, enter, 8 enter. Hope this helps!
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tracer writes:
You can also access the Outakes by going to title three in region 1. I think its 15 in other regions.
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MikeS8i writes:
Has anyone got this to work with a GoVideo DCR5000. It only has a 100+ button, no 10+ and just punching in 11 pause 3 pause 8 pause.
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The_Garleon writes:
Anyone with A.T.I d.v.d software on their P.C can just access chapter/title 15. Just bring up your control menu and "play a specific part". Easy. This also works for the hidden scenes in I.D.4 and Terminator two.
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pmcs writes:
On R2 (and probably R4) go to the language selections menu and do the number typing. On a Sony player you type 11 enter 3 enter 8 enter and the clip starts immediately.
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iSani writes:
On region two discs, the out-takes are really easy to access. When the Naboo Royal Starship appears (before the menu), just press next. Tested to work on PowerDVD 3.0, and probably other R2 players as well.
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paulkennett writes:
hey for region 4 go to language and try it. I live in Australia and it worked for me first time i did it. KeNNerADO
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skyraider writes:
On the Go Video DCR5000, no variation of the 1138 tactic seems to work, but it is still possible to access the out-takes as follows: From the Options menu, press STOP. You should see the Go Video logo. Press DISPLAY. Use the selection joystick to change the TITLE number to ->03. Now press ENTER.
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bigafro1 writes:
For those of you with Playstation 2, 1. Pop in disc 1 2. Go to the OPTIONS menu 3. Push the SELECT button on your controller. The Playstation 2 menu panel should come up with the numbers 0 through 9 and a bunch of symbols. 4. Enter the number 1 twice 5. Enter the numbers 0 then 3 6. Enter the numbers 0 then 8 7. Enjoy the out-takes!
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Mike writes:
Hello, I've tried many of the ways listed above to get the out takes on the X-Box. Has anyone else with an X-Box tried this? There is no 10+ button on the X-Box DVD remote. Thanks
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Frito writes:
Okay, I have a Compaq Presario 1700T Notebook, and it comes with it's own DVD software. It took me a little while, but I figured out how to get it working. You go to the options menu like normal (It's easier to keep the screen small so you can see what's happening, instead of enlarging it to cover the whole monitor), and once there on the keyboard, type in '11'. At the bottom of the control panel you'll see the chapter you just put in. After a moment it will go away. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PRESS ENTER! Next, type in '3'. DO NOT TYPE IN '03' BECAUSE IT WON'T WORK RIGHT! Wait a few seconds and it will go away. Finally, type in '8', NOT '08', and you'll hear the disk spin up and it will automatically go into the out-takes. Hope this helps some of you who are having difficulties with the DVD-ROMs. By The Way, I also like the fact that they use the "Cantina Band" music from "A New Hope". Kinda adds to the fun flavor of the out-takes...Ta Ta.
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SabreBuf writes:
Does anyone know how to get this to work with the X-Box?
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Hudman writes:
If you look closely on R2-D2, you can see the numbers 1138 on him.
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S_Knight writes:
I got this to work on a PC DVD drive, running PowerDVD software. You can also skip past one of the intro movies on the DVD to get the out-takes, or at least I could.
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Dafydd writes:
For region 2 DVD, first you must enter the language options page before entering the number "1138" on your remote. This will take you to the out-takes.
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Gerry writes:
How can these be out takes? The animations make mistakes as well as the actors! A Lucas 'take the punter for a ride' joke?
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chiefjawa writes:
I have find this egg really easy on the region two disc. Go to track 15 and there it is.
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Nikkodemus writes:
**ATTENTION PC DVD-ROM USERS** Fear not...there is hope for you! You can see the OUTTAKES!! What you gotta do is... 1. Open up Windows Explorer. (with your Episode I disc in your DVD drive) 2. Browse to the DVD folder. (you might have to right click and select "OPEN" to bypass the Autorun) You should see some folders ["common", "win", and "VIDO_TS"] along with some other files. 3. Open the "VIDEO_TS" folder. You should see a bunch of files [*.BUP, *.VOB, *.IFO] (if you can't see these files, make sure you have the option "SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS" checked. To do this go to the "Tools" menu and select "FOLDER OPTIONS..." click the "VIEW" tab, and check the previously mentioned box.) 4. Look for the file "VTS_04_1.VOB" (this is the OUTTAKES clip) 5. Righ click the file and select "OPEN WITH..." browse to your DVD player software folder, and select the EXE file. Then open the file, it should load your DVD player and play the clip. This worked for me with no problems. You can also go through each ".VOB" file and watch every video clip on the entire DVD. :) Kinda like a "BACKDOOR"... hehehe. NOTE: I was using WinDVD 2000 under Windows XP.
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Mace writes:
ON the Playstation 2 (R2 disk) press select on remote select "GO to Title" select "Title" enter 15
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Rachelcat9 writes:
I'm sorry if I sound stupid while saying this: but I just can't get this to work...a little help would be apprectiated. :) I have a Memorex DVD player, and everytime I try to hit in a number a little hand appears in the left hand corner. No matter what I do I can't seem to enter ANY numbers at all...Am I just not electronicly compatable? Help would be apprecitated again, thank you. :)
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ani writes:
For Region 4 DVDs, the same applies as what is mentioned above for Region Two. Enter the 1138 sequence once you are in the language selection menu.
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Hi. I'm using a region 4 DVD with an Xbox. Unfortunately, whenever I try to enter the numbers at the LANGUAGES menu, a message appears saying "Selection Unavailable". There is also no way to skip straight to Title 3/15. Any ideas how I can get this to work? Please email me with any solutions [email protected]
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On the Episode II Disc (Region 4), I found it in the Language Menu on the First Disc... I haven't tried Episode 1 yet, but I assume it's the same... I also watched it on my PS2 without problems... - Daniel
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i was here writes:
okay, i was trying this. nothing happened
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i was here writes:
dang! i didn't go to options!
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i was here writes:
because i wanted to say this, the music is from the bar in the 4th movie...i think, changed to sound a bit goofy
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i was here writes:
to gerry. outtakes are fun! and if they aren't outtakes, maybe that's why they are hidden.
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Moonwalker writes:
Does it work on Xbox?
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Darth Hubart writes:
This is for the X-Box. Press stop on your remote. Then press the number 3, which you get the title 3. Now you have the bloopers.
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Batgirll writes:
I have an RCA DVD player and no 10+ button on the remote. I had to do '11' pause '03' pause then '08' and it worked. It only worked when we added the zeros in before the 3 and 8.
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