Stuck In A Moment You Cant Get Out Of (U2) Easter Egg - U2's Singer "Bono" - Football Player?

On the "Stuck In A Moment You Cant Get Out Of" video you will notice most of the action falls on a football kicker who misses the final shot, causing his team to loose.

There is an over the shoulder shot where you can see the jersey with the kicker's last name: HEWSON.

U2's lead singer artistic name is Bono. His real name is Paul Hewson.

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  7.1/10 with 131 votes
Contributed By: jt ballesteros on 09-12-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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DJ Tech writes:
Actually,it's not an egg-it's an inside joke,as guitar player The Edge's real name is also revealed as well.There are TONS of references to U2's past in the video. (Lemons vs.Flys, cowboy hats,mirrorballs,etc.)
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Lemon writes:
Yeah, if you notice the very beginning of the video, the fake sports announcer says that the football player's name is Paul whatever, and yes, I saw that on VH1 too. so much for catching them yourself.
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You're right DJ! I got so amazed with the Hewson thing that I missed the other references the first time I saw the video! :)
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SPKx writes:
Here are the name things I noticed in the video: - The player is named Paul Hewson(Bono's Real Name) - One of the coaches is named Dave Evens(The Edge's Real Name) - The other coach is named Paul McGuiness(U2's Manager's name)
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prosperity writes:
Um, were there two clips for this song? I live in Aus and this whole "football game" thing is a mystery.
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mrwok writes:
The kicker at the end of the video turns into a mailman... bono's dad was a mailman...hmmm
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No idea writes:
They did the whole Hewson thing, because it was right after Bono's dad died. His dad was also a mailman, hence the old mailman at the end.
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chamberienne writes:
There were two videos made for this song. The "football" version for american/Canadian viewers and the other version, where Bono gets beaten up in an alley, (I think)For europe and Australia
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rhunion writes:
And of course Paul Hewson has the number "One" shirt and is nicknamed "Angel of Harlem"
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