Boogie Nights Easter Egg - Stormtrooper Radio

I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but when Don Cheadle's character is selling some guy a stereo; the stereo's model number is TK-421. This is the same number as the stormtrooper that Luke steals the uniform from in Star Wars: A New Hope. There were some other Star Wars references in the movie so I assume someone is a fan.

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  5.5/10 with 149 votes
Contributed By: SeanDuff on 10-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Movie and your ears.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Matt writes:
How the h*ck did you notice that????
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twelday writes:
My boyfriend and I pick up on that one as well!! We often joke about TK-421 modifications (really fun to ask old guys at fleamarkets if the outdated hardware they are selling has a TK-421 modification) we picked up on the stormtrooper thing and laughed so hard we were crying!!
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starsparkle writes:
how did u pick that up?
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numberjack writes:
My take on this, it wasn’t an Easter egg at all: Don Cheadle's character is bull-sh*tting the guy and made that TK-421 reference up, pulling it from Star Wars, knowing the guy probably wouldn’t catch the reference. My point is the character knew it was a Star Wars pull, since it seems all the main chararters commented that they has seen and liked Star Wars...
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Dr. Gonzo writes:
Nah, Buck (Don Cheadle) was too nice to do that. Plus, when his boss confronts him, Buck seems really sincere about his job.
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pawils writes:
No, Cheadle is definitely a scheister as a stereo salesman. He is clearly riffing when he says a model has "4 quads a channel." This is absolute nonsense and his character knows it.
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Maven writes:
Personally, it scares the hell out of me that there's ANYONE out there that knows, much less remembers, the serial number of a stormtrooper from Star Wars. There's 'being a fan', and then there's 'being scary', and this one runs screaming over the line.
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"TK-421 why aren't you at your post?!?!?!" I caught that the first time I saw the movie...
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