Thief 2: The Metal Age Easter Egg - A Very Realistic Time Lock

1. Play the mission "First City Bank And Trust"
2. The main objective is to steal the recording from the vault. To get inside the vault, you'd normally have to go to the basement, gain access to the vault lock mechanism and deactivate it.
3. Instead, if you stay in the level for 8 *real* hours, the time lock will open automatically.
4. The clocks scattered around the building show how much time has already elapsed.

Background: This egg was mentioned by the level designer himself (Randy Smith), because nobody had found it until now. Visit the forums at to learn more about it. I've added it for completeness.

User Rating:
  8.9/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-21-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Thief 2, patched version 1.18 (might work with 1.07 but untested)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The Fuzz writes:
Ohhhh dear me, I remember Randy driving everyone absolutely NUTS with this one at TTLG. People we examining source code, listing objects by the thousands, wondering WHAT to do, when all they had to do was sit around on their bums for those darn clocks. Good one, Looking Glass =P
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Miner5 writes:
This is pretty cool, because the level is quite hard to beat the original way. It took me about four hours anyway. (expert skill level) By the way, in the level after the bank (Takes place in sheriffs mansion)if you grab the sheriffs corpse outside and swim to the right from the bridge before the well and then climb over the big rocks with the body, you can find a graveyard with an open grave. Toss the corpse in for a little surprise.
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Goatboy writes:
I don't want to wait 8 hours! Providing you have got enough water arrows, fire arrows (if any) blackjack correctly and ignore the smaller iron beasts you can complete this in about two hours. If anyone don't know where the times lock levers are they are in the basements underground - near the small window where you break in. Provideng you have a good sense of direction (as it is a big level) and you are quiet enough it should be easy to complete
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