Rebel Assault Easter Egg - Cheats and Hidden Animation

1. On starting Rebel Assault, when Lucas Arts logo is spinning...
2. Point joystick *rapidly* to each corner, clicking joystick fire button once at each corner
3. If you did it right, you'll hear a ringing bell and a goofy "Luucass Artss" chant
4. From the rest of this game session, you can erase damage by hitting "+" [sans quotes] (or add damage by hitting "-")
5. You can also warp to any level by hitting 1,2,3...through 9, then A,B,C, etc.
6. When you've won (or after hitting the level warp to G), look for the silly animation at the end (after the credits).
7. Live Long and Prosper!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 26 votes
Contributed By: Rob on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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snoopy writes:
The animation at the end appears even if you dont do the little joystic trick at the begining ;:¬o>
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