Raptor Easter Egg - Monkeys Throwing Coconuts

1. Create a player, the rank doesn't matter.
2. When it takes you to the main hall, go to fly mission.
3. When it asks which episode, you should see a some small buttons at the bottom
4. There is a rectangular button, and 3 blue ones with weird symbols on them.
5. Click on the rectangular one,(it should get slightly darker) then the two outside weird ones
6. Choose an episode
7. If it worked you will hear a short circuit sound when you click your mission.
8. Most levels with lots of trees will have monkeys, or dinosaurs
9. One space level has a huge alien mother ship, or smaller ones with lasers.
10. There are other things like cows, and people.

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 33 votes
Contributed By: Adrian Gsellman on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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DOURO writes:
This also happens when the Birthday Egg is activated (i.e. when a specific date is set in the clock). The people in the playfield happen to be artist's renditions of the members of the Apogee dev team whose voices are featured in the egg's sound effects and the alternate opening theme.
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SL203 writes:
This really does work. However, I didn't see anything in Outer Regions. I think this is because there isn't any area for wildlife to appear. I saw plenty in Bravo, though!
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snoopy writes:
on the main menu, go into ordering info. and go through the pages untill you find tips for the game - the last one is "watch out for the battle cow!" I always wondered what that meaned, and now I know! They appear with the birthday egg!
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