Planet of the Apes (2001) Easter Egg - Soylent Green Is Made Of... Apes? (Spoils a Bit)

This movie, though a little untraditional for Planet of the Apes movies (in the "not on Earth" sense), does have certain point of homage due to the original. Ever since the original Planet of the Apes came out, people have been referencing and spoofing Charlton Heston's "get your paws off me, you damn dirty apes" and "damn you, apes!" lines, even Chuck Heston in general. So, this being a remake, this movie did show its fair share of mock with good taste, but they took it a much larger, better step. General Thade, the ape bad guy in the movie, has a father, who turns out to know that the apes, now masters to the humans, were once controlled by man himself. He is the only one who knows of the power of man and his ability to overthrow the apes. Naturally, his role was played by Sir Charlton Heston. Too bad they couldn't get Jane Goodall in there somewhere.

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  3.0/10 with 63 votes
Contributed By: Nik P. Mulb on 07-28-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Literacy
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Bob Schroeck writes:
They even managed to get a sly poke at his NRA advocacy in there -- he *is*, after all, going on for a while about how powerful human-made weapons (i.e., guns) are...
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RLF writes:
This isn't a remake, it's a retelling.
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Ked writes:
I don't know how much of an egg this is. I mean, it's in all the reviews, Charleton Heston has told interviewers that he has a small role, and I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was in the credits. Still, even if I'm wrong about the credits, I'm right about the first two.
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Skip writes:
I just saw the movie on Saturday, and sat through the credits, and Charlton Heston wasn't mentioned in the cast, but since it's a cameo appearance, I suppose it's allowed to be uncredited. The fact that he had a gun was a clever touch, too.
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jafer writes:
also, in the original- they say something to the extent of "damn you apes, damn you to hell" and the old apes dying words in the remake are "damn those humans, damn them to hell"
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Frit writes:
Was it just me, or was the orangutan holding a glass full of ice with drink when Marky Mark escaped and busted in on him and his young hot monkey wife?.
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HotGamer writes:
I agree with it being a retelling, not a remake. But instead of retelling, I call it reimagened.
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Oddling writes:
He lent green...
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Yaksha writes:
At the end of the original Planet of the Apes, Charleston Heston is saying "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!" as a comment to his fellow man for more or less blowing up the world (statue of liberty).
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fats writes:
"Hot" young monkey wife? Whoa, perv alert!
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ar0008 writes:
When I saw this in the theater most of the audience laughed when Heston-Ape went on about human weapons and had a gun, and also when the other ape gave the "get your filthy paws off me" line from the original. I wouldn't consider this an egg in true definition. Maybe a good reference for people not in touch with pop culture.
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CornellAdamO writes:
Exactly what part of this did you think was an easter egg?
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w1ldhart writes:
I would just like to point out to everyone that Charlton Heston was the guy in the cage (I"m not saying that he wasn't the Ape as well mind) but he's definetley in the cage when they escape from the Ape village ----- ALSO FOR YOUR REFERENCE THE REAL ENDING OF PLANET OF THE APES AS WRITTEN IN THE ORIGINAL BOOK IS IN FACT NOT THE STATUE OF LIBERTY OR DOING SOME WEIRD FLIPPED OUT TIME TRAVEL RETURNING TO WHERE HE STARTED FROM THE MAIN CHARACTER ACTUALLY FOUND THE EFFIEL TOWER! ....Sorry just it makes me sooo mad that bloody Mark whalberg is going to be one those responsible for sacrilige as he and a bunch o fhollywoood cronies are going to remake the Italian Job and call it something crap like the LA Job and by the way before it's made just thought I'd let you know it'll be sh*t UP THE UK!!!
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stupot writes:
Original: Chuck Heston Says: Get your hands off me you damn dirty ape Tim Burton's: Get your hands off me you damn dirty human!
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