MICROSOFT ACCESS Easter Egg - Crazy Car Chase!

1) Open up Microsoft Access 2000
2) Open up a new database, saving it as
crazy cars
3) Go to row 57 and tab along to field 3
4) Type in cars4me (no spaces)
5) Highlight the word
6) Hold control shift and Alt
7) Open up help/about
8) Still holding Ctl shift Alt left click on the key on the left making sure it is the bit overlapping the access icon
9) Sit back and enjoy!
10) Use 'm' to go left. 'Z' to go right and left and the arrow keys to go forward and back.

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  3.3/10 with 496 votes
Contributed By: Neallyd on 07-13-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Access 2000
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Neallyd writes:
This didn't work the first couple of times i tried it but i kept on trying and trying and it just came up!! Its amazing, how come no-one has spotted this egg before?????
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will writes:
Well, duh it opens, but you're supposed to keep on going with the egg. i know it works.
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MegaTrain writes:
Point A: You can't just go to row 57, a new blank database has no tables! (A database is NOT like a spreadsheet) At some point, you must create a table. How many fields should it have? What mode should I create it in (design view, datasheet view). If I create it in datasheet view, it does NOT start out with 57 rows (starts out with only ~15 on my machine). Should I enter in dummy data to get down 57 rows? (BTW, I know what I'm doing in Access, the above instructions are simply too imprecise to replicate) Point B: If you hold Ctrl Shft Alt, YOU CAN'T OPEN THE HELP MENU. Holding the ALT key allows you to dynamically drag components around the toolbars and menubars, and therefore you can't select anything. Are the instructions incorrect? Or does something magical happens once you have accomplished steps 1-6 that makes it work?? This sounds very cool, but more clarification is necessary.
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kelam_2002 writes:
I still could not get the egg to work. is there a step missing? do i need to save anything? type something else?
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Dolf writes:
Please could someone type out thsi EGG again as it is rather unclear to many - i cant understand how to get the required rows. stage by stage step by step please! after all the egg is there for people to see and be able to do. Dolf
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PPDBlue writes:
People just don't get it. Crazy cars are us. The race is people racing around trying to get it to work...... So there. It does!
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For Point A here is how I got 57 rows (but I don't know if this method works because I didn't get the egg to work) 1. Create a new table in Datasheet view(you start out with just 22 rows) 2. Position your cursor on the first row, first column 3. Press the space bar, then down arrow key, keep going on to the end of the table 4. You will eventually get to row 23, keep on creating new rows this way until you get to 57 5. Go to field (column) 3 and type cars4me From there, I got lost... pressing Ctrl + Shift +Alt makes it impossible to open Help About... can someone post a solution to Point B?
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r3d4pples writes:
I assume that as nobidy has bothered to retype this with proper instruction that it indeed fake, how sad.
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Shark writes:
The egg does not work. Holding alt automaticly makes it so you can drag stuff on the toolbar around so you cant open menus with it selected.
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Ben writes:
I think we're all missing something. The first time I tried this, right when I saved it as crazy cars 57 popups opened up automatically. I think that's what we're mising.
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The idiot is probably talking about Excel. I could not test this since I have Office XP. Or it is fake. I have seen this crazy cars before, but I thought it was Word or Excel version 97 or 2000.
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TechHeads writes:
This Easter Egg does not work. Well, not on Microsoft Office anyway. By the way, TechHeads started a website made by kids.Visit it at
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