Duke Nukem 3D Easter Egg - "AHB" Hidden in Level

This is pretty cool. Found it just now, actually.

1. Enter the Hollywood Holocaust level.
2. Hit TAB to go into map view.
3. Hit F to turn follow mode off.
4. Zoom out using minus "-". In the vastness of the black, you shall see a room of sorts hiding up in the northeast corner (assuming you are facing the theatre when you're doing this.)
5. Punch the arrow keys until the room is dead center in the map view.
6. Zoom in using the plus "+" key.
7. There will be three rooms there, shaped like letters. Reading them will spell out AHB.
8. If I'm right, these are the initials to the map's author. (Forgot his name, attach a comment if you know!)

FrogBlender (aka Andrew Fiori)

User Rating:
  5.2/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: FrogBlender on 07-12-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: a copy of Duke Nukem 3D (shareware version is fine)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Allen H Blum III
Allen H Blum III

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Doc Maz writes:
I'll have to take a look at this one, but the map designer you're referring to is Allen H Blum (III).
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AnakinGuy writes:
Each level has initials hidden somewhere in the map. (Except the episode 2 secret levels) many times they are SUYT. (The same initials on the wall in the Abyss.)
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Johny writes:
SUYT is in the maps made by Richard Bailey Gray (The Levellord)
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Bako writes:
AHB - Allen H. Blum SUYT - Show Us Your T*ts (by Levelord)
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If you have a group file decompiler (you should have at least one somewhere on a cd for any game that uses the Build engine, if not you can download one or easily write your own) you can rip all the maps from the duke3d.grp file, then into build.exe and open the maps from there. That way you can not only read the all the mappers signitures, but you can look for secrets too.
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