LG TVs Easter Egg - Tetris!

1. Turn on the TV.
2. Press "MENU" 3 times
3. Hit OK at Tetris
4. There you go, you now can play tetris without a nintendo, playstation etc.

This may work on a few other types of LG tv's.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 85 votes
Contributed By: Troy Wright on 09-30-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: LG tv model 105-230M (look on the remote)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Hubert writes:
It's not a easter egg, since it's documented in the manual :-) BTW I have one LG's TV set with Tetris, and my grandma has another one with different game, similar to Invaders (it's just referred 'GAME' in menu).
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Avatar-X writes:
LG is a brand name, they sell all sorts of consumer electronics.
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Craig writes:
Huh? I have an LGtv and I don't even have a menu button. Is there any alternative?
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mtw writes:
Just to those who wondered about LG. It's what was referred to as "Goldstar" before, hence the G in LG. No idea about the L though, probably name of some holding company or something.
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g.i.l. writes:
L=luky+G=goldstar}= LukyGoldstar(LG)
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