Bully Easter Egg - Director Cameo

In the scene when the hit-man and the rest of the gang are playing pool, and then the horn honks and its the girls in the car. when the hit-man yells out to his dad, "Don't worry i got it dad," or something like that, i don't remember, the dad is none other than the director, Larry Clark. How do i know this? Because i was in the movie, in-fact i was in that scene. i played boy #2, the one with the bleached hair and says, "we are F*cking professional." Yup thats me.

User Rating:
  3.5/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: FREESTYLER on 06-13-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: a brain
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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ratmgurl7 writes:
hey thats cool, i've never heard of that movie but thats still pretty cool.
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blondeeeh writes:
Hmmm..I just saw that movie for the first time a few weeks ago (Jan/'02)..I remember the scene you're talking about..But at the time i didn't know what Larry Clark looked like.. I also don't remember which one you are, i'll have to rent it again and see.
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