Wizard of Oz, The Easter Egg - Monkeys from West Point

The flying monkeys are actually wearing uniforms from the United States Military Academy (West Point).

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-30-1999
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Maureen writes:
While the flying monkeys' costumes are very similar to that of cadets at West Point, they are not the same. They only resemble the long, caped overcoats the cadets wear over their winter dress uniform. I know this because I have a brother at the academy and am well acquainted with the uniforms.
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knightley04 writes:
I think that the above comment is very true, but there is one techinicality, teh flying monkeys do not wear long over coats. You are thinking of the Winkies, who cannot fly, and are not monkeys. This is a very common mistake.
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Aaron writes:
Iv'e heard that actually west point and many other companies helped with the costume making. most of them left small marks of their companies on the costumes, including the monkeys which have a small "west point" signature on their shirt. here's another company signature: look at the bottom leg of scarecrow's pants.
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joedonato writes:
The witch's castle is actually on the grounds of West Point
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Bman writes:
joedonato is right. my uncle lived at west point. while showing me the grounds he showed me the witch's castle from the the wizard of oz.
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mh53eflyguy writes:
I Have seen the flying Monkeys. They fly out of George W Bush's buttock and they all attack Sen. John Kerry.
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Ryan writes:
I am a cadet at West Point in my third year. Like most cadets, I listened to and partially believed the cadet rumors concerning West Point's influence on the making of the original Wizard of Oz movie, however I have sinced learned the truth about them. Frank Baum was never a cadet at West Point. He studied at the Peekskill Military Academy for two years beginning at age 12, which is located in Peekskill, NY 11.5 miles from West Point. The castle that supposedly inspired the one one in the Wizard of Oz is called Dicks Castle. It is not located on the West Point Military Reservation, but across the Hudson River from the barracks, or cadet living quarters. No part of the filming of the movie took place in this castle. In response to Aaron, who claimed that West Point "and several other companies" helped in the production of the uniforms for the movie, I find this highly unlikely. Although the uniforms referred to do bear some resemblance to a cadet uniform, this is probably coincidental and even if it isn't coincidental, West Point is not a company and does not manufacture uniforms for theatrical purposes. I also highly doubt the existence of any "West Point signature" on the uniforms. This information is all based on factual evidence, with exception to the part about the uniforms (my own informed speculation). I hope it helps clear some things up.
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