Soul Calibur Easter Egg - Inferno

This details how to get Inferno, the last secret character in SC:

1: Get Xianghua's third costume (it's one of the high-priced art cards)

2: Make sure you have the Edge Master (beat the game a bunch, basically)

3: Beat the game on Arcade mode with Xianghua's third costume, and you got Inferno! He's basically a metallic version of the Edge Master.

User Rating:
  5.8/10 with 38 votes
Contributed By: Goat on 09-26-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The game!
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Janors writes:
He actually isn't the exact same as Edge Master. He has some really powerful moves of his own, that when perfected, can easily win the battle.
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