Darkman Easter Egg - Who's Car Is That?

I have read somewhere that Sam Raimi has put his car in all of the movies he does. His car is the yellow Oldsmobile from the Evil Dead movies. So I looked for it in Darkman, and found it.
1. Go to the chase scene where Darkman is hanging from a helicopter.
2. He dips low into the cars yet none of them seem to hit him.
3. Near the end, one car actually succeeds in doing that, that is Sam Raimi's car.
4. Not only that, Sam Raimi is driving the car!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 20 votes
Contributed By: Timbo on 05-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VCR, Video
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Cubegleemer writes:
Tis true, tis true. Not convinced? Check out Spider-Man. Uncle Ben drives none other than the infamous car.
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