Futurama Easter Egg - Farnsworth

Fry's great great great etc. uncle's name is Philo T. Farnsworth or something like that. Farnsworth was the inventor of television.

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Contributed By: Goat on 09-18-1999
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Vanders writes:
Yes, it was Philo Farnsworth who invented modern television (No, not John Logie Baird, honest).
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smegpants writes:
It WAS Baird! I can prove it http://www.baird.com/ Check the profile on him. He invented TV and made the first broadcast. I love him.
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inventive1 writes:
Philo Farnsworth contributed much, inventing our current *electronic TV* So did Vladimir Zworykin of RCA. John Logie Baird invented *mechanical TV* Baird's first ever TV recordings on disk can be seen at Don McLean's website.
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Underbrush writes:
anyways it wasnt even his great great great ect. uncle it was his great greta great ect. nephew! remember this is the future not the past?
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willis writes:
Also, another mistake. His name is Hubert Farnsworth. No realtion to the T.V. inventor.
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Peanut Guy writes:
Unfortunately Farnsworth is Fry's some-odd, great nephew, Farnsworth lives in the 30th and 31st century, fry was born in the 20th century, it is impossible to have you uncle born almost 1000 years after you.
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Johngo Kongo writes:
If Fry's grandparents was in stasis to (which i have no reason to believe they were) his uncle could have been born a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time after he was...
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mikeyp writes:
Just two things: 1) John Logie Baird invented television. 2) Fry was born in the 20th century, frozen and now lives in the 30th century. His relative is his 'however-many-greats' NEPHEW... I'm always amazed that people cannot grasp a basic principle - time never goes in reverse... To be his uncle the guy would have to be born BEFORE Fry.
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Psymon writes:
Actually, to be Fry's uncle he would have to be the brother of Fry's mother or father or his grandparents with however many "great"'s are necessary.
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OldRocker writes:
I must agree with Psymon. My great-grandfather passed away when I was 40, and left behind a 16 year old son and 14 year old daughter from his 6th marriage. That means my great-Uncle and great-Aunt are 24 and 26 years younger than me. It's unusual, but not impossible.
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Hyper Girl writes:
Okay~ It is not impossible for The Professor to be Fry's uncle...but he's not. He is Fry's Great great great great great great great great great great nephew! The only reason these people think that he is Fry's uncle is because he is older than Fry and most people are used to Uncles being older and nephews being younger.
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Scarlett writes:
Also, the original Philo Farnsworth's first television exhibit at the world's fair was called "Futurama"
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the wright brothers were the first people to build a powered heavier-than-air flying machine - although very few machine these days use the configuration designed by the brothers, no-one doubts that they were to first to accomplish manned powered flight. the same goes with television - john logie baird was the first to actually transmit moving pictures with out the use of wires - philo farnsworth came up with a more efficient way of doing things, but lets face it, its easier to take an existing technology and come up with a new way of doing it, than it is to come up with the technology in the first place. if john logie baird had been american, would be acknowlged as the father of television, rather than an american who built on his work??
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GFiendish writes:
Who Really invented television anyway! According to the Guinness Book Of Records (up until recently), it was a research team at Waseda University, Japan in 1927, under the supervision of a junior lecturer named Kenjiro Takayanagi. They managed to transmit the kanji character "I" ! It can be argued, that Baird had inadverntely duplicated the Rosing enhanced mechanical T.V system of Boris Rosing. However, Rosing could not patent this system, as a British Scientist, A.A Campbell-Swinton published the scheamatics of a system that was a enhancement on Rosing's system, in the magazine, Nature. As a result, Rosing, when he tried to patent his system in the then British Empire could not, as Campbell-Swinton had effectively placed it in the "Public Domain". I guess you can argue it was a case of "Parallell Delevopment",by which several groups delevop the same thing at the same time , thinking they're the only ones!
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tom7373 writes:
No, John Logie Baird did invent television; I had to do this whole project on him, trust me.
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rintaro writes:
What are all of you people talking about? Fry was born somewhere between 1960 and 1980. A thousand or so years later, let's say around 2930, his great howevermanytimes NEPHEW was born. Fry, on the other hand, was "frozen in time" and since he appears to be much younger than his nephew, they decide to call Farnsworth his uncle instead. By the way, this line of discussion has absolutely nothing to do with the easter egg originally mentioned. Also, of all the great men who contributed to the ultimate invention of the TV, or Tele, Farnsworth and Baird were both among them. The creators of Futurama, however, for some unknown reason, decided to acknowledge Farnsworth. Or maybe there is a Baird easter egg as well! Go find it!! Or perhaps they just used the name Farnsworth by chance.
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Noodles writes:
JOHN LOGIE BAIRD INVENTED TELEVISION. That's final. I agree with madenglishbloke that if he was American TV would be name Logievision or something. Also, Thomas Edison never invented the lightblub. An Englishman called Swan did, so there.
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TheRuiner writes:
Did anyone think to say thatFarnsworth's first name in Futurama is not Philo, but Hubert...Hubert T. Farnsworth
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Come on people! The uncle thing was a typo, obviously! Nobody's gonna believe that Fry's parents lived until they were 1000-and-something THEN had a kid. And on the TV thing, I do remember John Logie Baird was very influential in that cos at seven years old, I found his name amusingly similar to Yogi Bear's. But apart from that, I know nothing about the invention of television.
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just typical americans taking credit for our work...it was john logie baird who invented the TV also as a sidenote, on the same subject, the worst film ever made is U571...why? because it is built on the totally false premise that AMERICANS found the enigma machine then made their way home in the sub? its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong its laughable
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LoveForFry writes:
ok, lets get it right people. in the show, his name is hubert j. farnsworth. he got that name from the inventor philo farnsworth. everyone got it? good.
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Ragzouken writes:
As the relibale Wikipedia shows: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroplane the wright brothers were not the first.
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MorPH writes:
This means nothing! My middle school science teacher was called Mr Farnsworth. Ooohhhh, connection there! >=)
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The character is named Hubert Farnsworth, not Philos Farnsworth.
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