Conker's Bad Fur Day Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (not an egg)

1.Go to the options menu in the C*ck and Plucker
2.Go to cheats
3.Enter in the following words
CHOCOLATESTARFISH - Unlock "the Heist" Chapter (Matrix Parody)
BEELZEBUBSBUM - Unlock "It's War" Chapter
EASTEREGGSRUS - Unlock Neo Conker
WELLYTOP - Unlock Conker
CHINDITVICTORY - Unlock Weasel Henchmen
EATBOX - Unlock Cavemen
BEEFCURTAINS - Unlock Zombies and Villagers
SPANIELSEARS - Unlock Spooky
MONKEYSCHIN - Unlock Uga Buga
WELDERSBENCH - Unlock All Chapters and Scenes
ANCHOVYBAY - Unlock Sloprano's
PRINCEALBERT - Unlock Barn Boys
CLAMPIRATE - Unlock Bats Tower
RUSTYSHERIFFSBADGE - Unlock Seargent, and Tediz Leader
BILLYMILLROUNDABOUT - Unlock Gregg The Grim Reaper
BOVRILBULLETHOLE - Make Bullet Holes everywhere, destroy pillars
VERYEASY - Easier Mode

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 489 votes
Contributed By: whoknew on 03-13-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Game, N64
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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HyperHacker writes:
What's also fun is to put swear words into the cheat menu and watch their reactions. ;)
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whoknew writes:
Im sorry It is now confirmed that there is no secret ending.
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Jordan writes:
Actually, the last 2 codes listed are references to the movie, Pecker, I believe. They talk about tea-bagging and dutch ovens at the same time in that movie.
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Ice writes:
The code second to the bottom (DUTCHOVENS EASY) is actually two separate codes. "DUTCHOVENS" is one code and "EASY" is another. The code "DUTCHOVENS" gives your player a frying pan in Race Mode and the code "EASY" is... well, you get the picture. All of the other codes are correct. Just thought I'd clear that up.
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Ice writes:
Strike my last comment. There are two more codes on that list that I found to be incorrect. "DRACULASTEABAGS" does NOT give you 50 lives. It gives your character a baseball bat in Race mode. Also, the code "BOVRILBULLETHOLE" doesn't make holes everywhere. That code gives you the 50 lives. There might be more, but I'm pretty sure the rest of the codes are correct.
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whoknew writes:
Sorry about the mistakes. I have found those ones listed to be incorrect but with no way to correct them they stayed that way. All the other ones are right though
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whoknew writes:
Well there is a first for everything. I guess people just really like this game. PeacE
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