Dark Star Easter Egg - Insult to Producer/Distributor

It appears that the crew must disable a bomb. In a brief scene in one of the control panels, there's the subliminal. It says "F*** YOU, HARRIS"

That's Jack Harris, the Producer and distributor. Why the insult you ask? After running out of funds, and doing so much transfering, John Carpenter (may be the director, I'm just reading out of a book here) and co-writer Dan O'Bannon damaged the soundtrack so Harris would from some discount guy to MGM.


This film was rereleased after Star Wars came out.

Remember people, this egg won't be seen by many.

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: J.K. Sprat on 03-13-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A Vision of the Egg or If you're lucky, the Movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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