Breakfast Club Easter Egg - Guidance Counselor

During the beginning of the movie, there are various shots from around the school. In one shot is a close-up of a guidance counselor's desktop cluttered with Rorschach tests. The name plate on the desk says, Dr. R. Hashimoto Guidance Counselor. Richard Hashimoto was the Production Supervisor of The Breakfast Club.

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  5.1/10 with 71 votes
Contributed By: Fun E on 03-07-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Any copy of The Breakfast Club
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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RonJLow writes:
This is COMPLETELY common practice in films and commercials. When someone's first and last name is to be used, the producers first find a real person with that name. The real person signs an affidavit that gives the producers permission to use the name. Then no other real person can sue for defamation, unauthorized exploitation, or implied endorsement. The producers can argue that the character depicted was based on the guy who signed away rights, not the guy suing.
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poidog writes:
THat is an interesting comment, but I thought that they had the disclaimer at the end of the film to prevent lawsuits (Any similarity to any person, living or dead is completely coincidental...). The use of the names is more for fun and egging
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