Darling Nikki (Prince) Easter Egg - Love God

At the end of the song you will hear Prince 'sing' abracadabra. But when you play the end of the song in reverse, you will hear something completely different!!!

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  6.1/10 with 91 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Pick up player or cd with reverse control
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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I don't have a CD player with reverse control. Could you tell me what you hear, please?
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Zookie writes:
I'm doing this from memory, but I think it goes like this: Hello. How are you? Fine, fine. 'Cuz I know that the Lord is coming soon. Coming. Coming. Soon.
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eric@jplt writes:
Yup, that's right on the money. I used to have it on vinyl and spin it backward by hand. I assume it's supposed to be a goof on the "evil lyrics" that supposedly appear backwards on various rock albums. eric jplt.com
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MathGeek writes:
I thought the lord is coming comment was at the end of a different song on purple rain... i may be wrong though
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fandangoose writes:
After listening to Darling Nikki at countless parties, I finally decided to decipher the backward lyrics, through the help of my friend Bob. He had learned at a young age how to take apart a cassette player and reverse the belt inside to make it play backwards. So he did his magic, we put the Purple Rain tape in, and...voila! Prince's message appeared. The best part was imparting this information to my smug roommate (who thought he was God's gift to women), the one who always sang that part forwards, as if it actually made any sense that way!
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joe writes:
Wow, I wanted to add the full translation of the 'darling nikki' egg. I'm scared that my english grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling may not be correct for fear of being rejected. Thanks for the WARNING! on the spelling of 'nikki'.
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RinCa writes:
You can put a CD in your computer and save the song as a wav file. Then you can replay it backwards.
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