Chip's Challenge Easter Egg - Go to Any Level Cheat (NOT AN EGG)

1. Open Chips Challenge.
2. Press and hold down control+alt
3. Press Q
4. Press W
5. Press E
6. Press R
7. Press T
8. Press Y
9. Release control+alt
10. Press control+N to go to the next level, press it again to go to the level after that, and keep on pressing it to go to any level you wish!! up until level 145. You have to beat this level so you can see the credits, then you may use control+N again until level 149, the last level!

This beats having to keep track of codes, and trying to get them from people when you are stuck!

~Stephanie Dubaz~

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  7.0/10 with 393 votes
Contributed By: Stephanie Dubaz on 09-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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enoajan writes:
or, if you want to, you can go to start/run and type c:\windows\entpack.ini and scroll down a bit. you should see most of the passwords there.
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Katgirl writes:
I tried this, and it only let me go up one level before asking for a password. Not only that, but it attempted to open up some voice messaging pregram. Not to worry, I found all the passwords on the Internet. Another cheat: Go to "Level/Go to..." and enter the password TONY. My dad did that, and the level has a special surprise relating to the password if you look closely.
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Dark Smurf writes:
There are a lot of ways to skip levels in Chip's Challenge. The one that the above method uses is Ctrl+T. I think Ctrl+D works also, but I'm not sure. One of the F buttons does it also, I think it's F5.
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Evan Cottle writes:
You can also get unlimited skips by holding CTRL and tapping T three times.
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Peach writes:
*cries and wipes her eyes with a tissue* beautiful! *hugs* thank you so so so so so much, no I don't have to wait for Melinda to let me skip a level! I LOVE THIS CODE!!!!!
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ANA writes:
You can simply skip levels by pressing CTRL + E. It's that easy!
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squirrelboy writes:
As I recall, the only way you can skip levels is to press "Ctrl+t." A new menu option will appear under the "File" menu called "Level Skip," meaning you don't need to enter passwords for levels. This isn't permanent, so you need to redo it every time you start up again.
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Tony Gies writes:
You can edit the INI file of Chip's Challenge to get all the levels. Change the MAXLEVEL value.
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