Hannibal Easter Egg - Tribute to "The Godfather"!

In beautiful Florence, Italy we follow the attempts of an Italian police detective who tries to capture the elusive doctor....

Before the first murder that Hannibal Lechter commits in this instant classic, his victim peels and eats an orange.

In Coppola's Godfather film, any person that is about to meet their death is accompanied by an orange in the scene. A sly tribute to the best American director alive by the best English director alive.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 231 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 02-28-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Go to the Cineplex.
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In the novel by Thomas Harris, Clarice's favorite memory of the kitchen is her father peeling an orange and giving her slices. There are many references to this memory that may or may not also be references to death scene rituals in the "Godfather" series. There is a fruit bowl in the room of Mason Verger which contains oranges, Gnocco buys two oranges before his death, and I'm pretty sure there are oranges close by around the memorable Krendler/Brain scene.
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Evil Pixie writes:
did anyone notice the 'Gladiator' (another Ridley Scott film) poster in the background of one scene? Just before the pick-pocket tries to get Hannibal's fingerprint on the bracelet, Hannibal walks past a cinema which has the Gladiator poster outside (left hand side), and also another poster but we couldn't work out which film it was for.
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