Breakfast Club Easter Egg - The Director Makes a Cameo

At the end of the film when everyone is being picked up by their parents Anthony Michael Hall is picked up by John Hughes.

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  6.0/10 with 113 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: none
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mmcwillind writes:
this isnt really an egg, cuz she gets billed at the end, but anthony michael hall is dropped off by his real mom (i think Mercedes Hall)...thought it was somewhat relevant to this topic, and interesting for everyone to know **disclaimer, i wrote this kinda late, so if it has any spelling mistakes, i apologize**
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erika writes:
he is also being pikced up by his sister as well... also.. just to note... at the end where allison rips off andy's patch from his jacket.. how is it that she rips it off so easily? i have pants with patches both ironed and sewed onto them.. and BELIEVE me they DO NOT come off that easily!
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