Yahoo Messenger Easter Egg - Hidden Smilies

there are some smiley's not listed under the smiley button that you can get however by typing the following text :

>:) gives a devils head
:)) gives a huge smile
:(( give a crying smile

Maybe there are other ones!

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 811 votes
Contributed By: Alexander Docter on 03-06-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Yahoo Messenger 3,5,0,844 windows
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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donajos3 writes:
:| gives you a blank face with normal eyes and a straight mouth.
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teebone writes:
Yeah....and :| gives you a neutral (or serious, look and make up your own mind) face.
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Jess writes:
Oh and also, type in "BUZZ!!!". The other person's screen rings and vibrates!
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veronica writes:
hey buzz a friend on yahoo msngr,open the window to send a msg and from the "friend" menu select buzz friend.
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Chef writes:
You can also do ctrl+g to Buzz!
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Pejibaye writes:
These are posted at
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angela writes:
there's heaps of new smilies on the new version of yahoo messenger including the devils head and all that there's angels heads, geeks heads, sleeping(bored) heads etc.
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steak writes:
if you wanna really bug someone using buzz than open a new chat window each time and you can do it faster!!! steak_16muk
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Nutter writes:
If you try to download yahoo messenger from the UK site you get an older version of it you need to download it off the US ( ) site to get the most up-to-date one.
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stephen writes:
The smiles you put are under you smiles button in Yahoo Messenger 5.0
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stephen writes:
All the ones Alexander Docter put up are in the smiley icon when you IM someone. That is for Yahoo Messenger 5.0. I do not know about the other versions though.
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full list: :) - Smiling :-/ - Confused :O - Cross-eyed with mouth open >:) - Purple devil 0:) - Halo :-& - Sick :( - Sad :x - In love X-( - Very angry :(( - Bored :-B - Dweeb :-$ - Finger to mouth (Shh...) ;) - Winking :"> - Blushing :> - Confident :)) - Gaffawing =; - Hand up as in saying, "Talk to the hand" -( - One eyed (Kidding)Arms crossed :p - Smiling with tongue out B-) - Sunglassess :| - Flat expresion I-) - Sleeping :o) - Clown :D - Really big smile
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mfs writes:
=:) ALien
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Freddie writes:
I have Yahoo! Messenger and it has all of the hidden smilies posted.
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vince_inn writes:
if you type (%) you get a yin and yang symbol
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Here are some more hidden yahoo emoticons [-X shame on you \:D/ dancing >:/ bring it on ;)) hee hee :-@ chatterbox ^:)^ not worthy :-j oh go on
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nick writes:
1 :) Smile 2 :( Sad 3 ;) Wink 4 :D Big Grin 5 ;;) Batting Eyelashes 6 >:D< Hugs 7 :-/ Confused 8 :x Love 9 :"> Blushing 10 :p Tongue 11 :-* Kiss 12 =(( Broken Heart 13 :-o Surprise 14 x( Angry 15 :> Smug 16 b-) Cool 17 :-s Worried 18 #:-s Whew! 19 >:) Devil 20 :(( Crying 21 :)) Laughing 22 :| Straight Face 23 /:) Raised Eyebrow 24 =)) Rolling on the Floor Laughing 49 :@) Pig 50 3:-O Cow 51 :(|) Monkey 52 ~:> Chicken 53 @};- Rose 54 %%- Good Luck 55 **== Flag 56 (~~) Pumpkin 57 ~o) Coffee 58 *-:) Idea 59 8-X Skull 60 =:) Bug 61 >-) Alien 62 :-l Frustrated 63 [-o< Praying 64 $-) Money Eyes 25 o:-) Angel 26 :-b Nerd 27 =; Talk to the Hand 28 i-) Sleepy 29 8-| Rolling Eyes 30 l-) Loser 31 :-& Sick 32 :-$ Don't Tell 33 [-( Hmmmph 34 :o) Clown 35 8-} Silly 36 <:-p Party 37 (:| Yawn 38 =P~ Drooling 39 :-? Thinking 40 #-o D'oh! 41 =D> Applause 42 :-ss Nail Biting 43 @-) Hypnotized 44 :^o Liar 45 :-w Waiting 46 :-< Sigh 47 >:p Phbbbt! 48 <):) Cowboy 65 :-" Whistling 66 b-( Beat Up 67 :)>- Peace 68 [-x Shame on You 69 \:d/ Dancing 70 >:/ Bring It On 71 ;)) Hee Hee 72 o-> Hiro 73 o=> Billy 74 o-+ April 75 (%) Ying Yang 76 :-@ Talking the Ear Off 77 ^:)^ I'm Not Worthy 78 :-j Just Kidding 79 (*) Star there is only 79 icon for reg messanger u can download the otheres at ( WARNING SOME ICONS R XXX RATED AND R NOT FOR KIDS ) when u get the icons u may have to unzip them so use winzip 9.1 its a free program just look for it on web
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Agent Viper writes:
You can get these smilies from the Emoticons menu.
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koira writes:
All 181 Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons ( include Star War Hidden Emoticons ) :
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