Photoshop Easter Egg - Weird Secret Messages

1.THIS IS A GEM!!!!! Hold the Alt key while you open the About Photoshop option
2.The usual Electric Cat screen appears. But wait !!!
3.Wait several seconds for the credits to begin scrolling
4.We all know pressing the Alt key will speed them up...
5.Now, while they're speeding, click the big eye once...
6.While you're still holding the Alt key, press the Ctrl key
7.Now, let up on the Alt key.
8.About 60 secret messages will pop up just above the scrolling credits
9.Wild and Weird, my friends, Wild and Weird!

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 1624 votes
Contributed By: David Gross on 07-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows or Mac platform
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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J-Man writes:
This doesn't work on LE 5.0
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vaj writes:
Nonsensical messages appear but this is SO COOL.
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I just modified the thing to work with version 5.02 :^) 1.Hold the Alt-Ctrl keys while opening the About Photoshop option 2.The strange cargo logo will appear... 3.Wait several seconds for the credits to begin scrolling 3.We all know pressing the Alt key will speed them up... 4.Now, while they're speeding, click any part of the cargo logo once... 5.While you're still holding the Alt and Ctrl keys, release the Alt key while still holding the Ctrl key 6.About 60 secret messages will pop up just above the scrolling credits 7.Wild and Weird, my friends, Wild and Weird!
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AbeLincoln writes:
Anyone else notice they mis-quoted Darth Vader (or maybe it was intentional)?
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Most of the comments seem to be quotes from films and shows. My favorite is "they killed Kenny!". Some of it is fairly amusing!
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Raul writes:
Works fine with 5.5 Windows version. "There is no spoon" hah!
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Da' Penguin writes:
The people who made photoshop need help.
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RLF writes:
This doesn't work for Photoshop 3.0.5 on Macintosh.
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Ric McMillan writes:
how do you do either one with a Mac? when I click on it, the strange cargo page disappears.
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pj writes:
Works on 5LE , no Electric Cat but wait about 15 seconds & credits scroll Alt. key -> fast scroll stop & start
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Ryland writes:
It still works in version 6 for Windows. "There is no spork."
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Beckerist writes:
It does work in LE5.0. Ok. I ¢¾ u bye bye!
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DayGrrrl writes:
After the credits scroll, you'll have to wait about 30 or so seconds. If you click too soon on the Strange Cargo, the Egg won't work.
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This really rocks!!
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RidBoy1 writes:
This is really cool. I wonder if it works for 6.0? I'll try at home... They say some funny stuff.
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It will work in 6.0 also. 1. Open PhotoShop 6 2. hold down CTRL-ALT 3. go to Help > About PhotoShop... 4. see the cat (Venus in Furs) 5. wait for the Credits to start rolling 6. press Alt to speed up the credits 7. Now, while they're speeding, click the big eye once... 8. While you're still holding the Alt key, press the Ctrl key 9. Now, let up on the Alt key. 10. About 60 secret messages will pop up just above the scrolling credits
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Sounds like a bunch of inside jokes like stuff my class would say... but they do sound funny from the outside too. Did anyone get Top 10 Reasons you know your working too hard on photoshop? I got that, but I let go of the control key and put it back on randomly.
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nsrii writes:
I got this to work on PS 5.0.2, using a random combo of the above methods. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what (LOL!). It seemed there were a lot more than 60 messages and the majority seemed to be in office quips, possibly from local intranet IRC chats or something similar. The funniest thing to me (beyond the english-french translation and the top 10 list) was after letting it run a few times, it stopped then popped up with: "Take of, eh!" then something about the funny stuff has passed. It disappeared again, a new line for the egg creators appeared/disappeared, and then (this is the funny part to me and my run sentences) it had the line "Okay, I love you, b'bye!" and stayed that way. If you read the real credits prior to their thanking you, it mentions that all people and pixels are fictious, which I also that was kind of funny.
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The_loser writes:
There are more than 60 of them.... wait for a really long time.. I saw like 200, and it wasn't finished..
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ratty36 writes:
This egg rocks donkeys... very "Monty Python"
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Spug writes:
This might be a stupid question but ... I can't find the 60 secret messages! Only the Electric Cat...
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THIS EASTER EGG DOES WORK FOR ADOBE PHTOSHOP 6.0 (at least for the Mac). Ok MAC users: 1: Access the adobe photoshop about menu in the application while holding option and apple. 2: Keep holding those 2 buttons and let it scroll through the credits 1 time through 3: Kust as the second time the list will start to scroll, let go of the option key and click on the area below the Venus in Fur picture. Not the part where the credits go, but the part above where the credits dissapear. 4: Enjoy Windows users, please try this with 6.0 to see if it works.
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Leikela4 writes:
It does work for 6.0. I just did it.
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MrBungle writes:
yes it does work for v6, wait for it to scroll, then hold alt, then ctrl, then click left mouse button, hold all for a second, now release alt, release ctrl and release left mouse button. must be done in that order.
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hyperdieper writes:
alright, it does with with photoshop 6 and it is really nuts lol.. this is what i did... 1. hold down alt, then [still hold alt] hold down ctrl 2. click on help, about photoshop... [we're still holding the keys here] 3. wait for the text to scroll, and then when it starts to scroll, click on the cat's big eye while holding the keys 4. let go of alt, then you should see Photoshop... and they'll start changing below the picture and top right above the credits.. you can let go of ctrl i hope this helps someone, it worked for me like this :)
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HellEctric writes:
Just wanted to say that this DO work on 6.0 in windows, both with the ctrl-key and without, but use the ctrl-key if you want to see the cat. It's quite funny really. :))
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This worked for me and I could see all the funny stuff.....zipping at like 100 miles a minute on the screen. Can I let go of ALT before the credits even appear? I'm sure this would be funny if I could just get it to stop moving too fast. Love 'n' Rainbows, Kara
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hasbeen writes:
I have photoshop v. 4.0 and i cant get it to work. i can get to the cat screen thing, but no messages appear when i click on it, the window just dissapears. can someone give me some advice?
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Jebster001 writes:
I found an easier way to get the same thing for the people who can't quite get it. 1.) Without holding anything, go to Help and About Photoshop 2.) Wait for the Credits to start Scrolling 3.) Then hold Ctrl+Alt and click inside the Magnifying glass 4.) Release the ALT button and viola, the same Secret messages appear
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Archagon writes:
I'm going to videotape this and post all of the quotes here!!
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jillyc writes:
I was bored at work (I'm an intern, so I'm obligated to have time on my hands) and decided to watch all the messages scroll by, thinking they'd make great random email subject headers. Here's what I managed to scribble down in the 5 minutes that they run: In managed color. Your ad here. There is no spoon.. Besides, I do have freckles. Actually, the correct answers are: No, Maybe, Maybe. Word to your monkey! Plums! Chicks dig it. Shut up and keep squeezing the monkeys. He truly is an altered toad. Careful with those cows, people! Kink costs. I can't see the lines I used to read between. Yoiks. Are you the police? No, ma'am, we're musicians. Mind the gap, please; mind the gap. Excuse me sir, ticket to Clueville? Two words: monster trucks. I saved a bucketful of Wonder Woman. It's all good. Nihilists don't bowl. I'll fish that out later. So, do lions flicker at 70Hz? Nice rabbits. My toys! My toys! I can't do this job without my toys! I am rubber and you are glue. a list of the "Top Ten signs the engineering team has been working too hard" And the best (for this forum's purposes, anyways): Adobe Transcient Witticisms (TM): recommended by 4 out of 5 easter egg hunters. If you watch just the regular credits scrolling below, you'll notice some odd titles, such as "Goddess of the Tenth Floor," "Other Goddess of the Tenth Floor," "Legal Mumbo-Jumbo," "Eager Young Space Cadet," and "Tom's Codeslaves." And at the end of the credits, it reads: "Special thanks to the neglected families, friends, and pets of the aforementioned persons.... The persons and pixels depicted in this product are entirely fictitious." I'm gonna do something productive now. I swear it. *j
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Hoju writes:
When the "I am the queen of shift-control-alt!" message appears, hold down shift, control THEN alt, and several more messages should appear.
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Tubescan writes:
here are all of them that show up in order when you activate the egg. Photoshop... In color! Your ad here Good day, and welcome to our show, eh? Strange Cargo: a lovely warm color suffused with mushrooms A propos de Strange Cargo : une jolie couleur chaude pleine de champignons Besides, I have freckles. Hey! Where's the button to stroke my thing? Actually the answers are: No, Maybe, Maybe Kram, Gerg. Gerg, Kram. Word to your monkey! Hang on... I’m rolling on the floor laughing Plums! Chicks dig it They killed Kenny! The fate of the country depends on Photoshop Shut up and keep squeezing the monkeys! I find your lack of confidence... disturbing Murphy’s law of QA: it’ll never fail if an engineer is around to see it Four Billion just isn^}t as much as it used to be. So at what point do you become a being of pure energy? Oh, that takes a triple He truly is an altered toad. BBC presents: The Programmer... In French, with English subtitles “Documentation... Nous voulons de la documentation !” “Documentation... We want documentation!” “Vous n'en aurez pas !” “You shant have it!” No borrar Oops... he streets are cold in Q3, ya know... That’s two! Careful with those cows people! Kink costs Well, there goes the pet dingo I can’t see the lines I used to think I could read between One little, two little, three little Endians... Yoiks! Humuhumunukunukuapua’a: just like it sounds Are you the police? No ma’am, we're musicians Vous ‘Etes de la police ? Non ma’dame, on est musiciens Surf the Guadalupe When Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, people die! So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute - strike that - reverse it. I play too hard when I ought to go to sleep Udo est vivant (Udo lives) Your cheeriness is giving me a headache his product banned by the Legion of Decency for “lustful complications” I’m sorry, you’ll have to speak up, I’m wearing a towel Damn; it’s _more_ pink now... Buy him out boys! Wow, un clown ! (Wow, a clown!) Tu crois qu'il est ‘mal’ efique ? (Do you think he’s evil?) Mind the gap, please; mind the gap She’s like a battery powered Mary Tyler Moore! Excuse me sir - ticket to Clueville? LESSEE: MILK, EGGS, BUTTER - ANYTHING ELSE, HONEY? Two words: Monster Trucks If it doesn't say PlaceboT, it isn't doing you any good Let me through - I’m a nosy person. I saved a bucketful of Wonder Woman They fall somewhere between cows and cats... ...but gosh if they can’t sing Miah’s got another one in his tent? It’s all good The young russian climber, Nadie Nolinkovitch Nihilists don’t bowl Actually, it’s the manacles I’m not sure about... I’ll fish that out later. Yeah, I probably should have just paid another three bucks So the guy says, “That’s not a monkey, and my name’s not Johnson!” That’s what happens when there’s now a hole where it used to was So, do lions flicker at 70Hz? Copyrighted material appearing in this space is the property of the copyright holder Les produits prot’eg’es par copyright apparaissant ici sont la propri’et’e de leur d’etenteur respectif. I am rubber and you are glue Adobe Transient Witticisms’T are only available in products by Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Transient Witticisms’T sont uniquement disponibles dans les produits d'Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Transient Witticisms is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Transient Witticisms est une marque d'Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Transient Witticisms recommended by 4 out of 5 easter egg hunters! From the Home Office in White Bear Lake (doncha know)... Top Ten Signs of the Apocalypse: ...wait, sorry, that was last night’s; here we go... Top Ten Signs the Engineering Team has been Working Too Hard: 10. They go home, they come back to work, and they still haven’t seen the sun. 9. Seriously consider taking a cool refreshing swim in the flood-swollen Guadalupe 8. “What if I quit my job and became a hobo?” “Yeah, I could see that.” 7. More paranoid delusions about there really being a poison doughnut this time 6. QA team’s trigger fingers startin’ to get twitchy around RC build 25 5. Rookie lab staff complaining about staying late - at midnight 4. Andy looks.....blonde 3. Vague mumblings about “not enough hardware to get the job done, and I don’t mean computers” 2. Executive ice run frequency at a fever pitch And the number one sign that the Engineering team has been working too hard: 1. The waist-high layer of angst Take off, eh? The funny bits are done. Without whose patience... Andrew, Ann, Annette, David, Helen, Joanna, Karen, Nicholas, Penelope, Susan, Tricia OK, I love you, b’bye! There thay all are man it took like 5 minutes to get them all out of the apps scource.
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x_Maerlyn_x writes:
Photoshop In managed color! Your ad here Good day, and welcome to our show, eh? There is no spork The fate of the country depends on Photoshop I find your lack of confidence disturbing BBC presents: The Programmer In French, with English subtitles This product banned by the Legion of Decency for "lustful complications" That's what happens when there's now a hole where it used to was There's always a bigger fish Nice rabbits I'd better get this in before I lose all this logic My toys! My toys! I can't do this job without my toys! No, my powers can only be used for good Cats Why does it always have to be cats? So many evil plans, so little time Mmmmm Guatamalean insanity peppers You can't do a correlation analysis with 200 variables and one observation! All work and no play makes Marc a dull boy ALL wORk aNd nO Play mkes MaRC a DuLl boY ALL WOrK aND NO PLay mAKeS mARC a dULl bOY ALL WORK aND NO PLaY mAKES mARC a DULL BoY Sarcasm is just one more service we offer Errors have been made Others will be blamed Too many freaks, not enough circuses Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done Are we whisperers, gossips, smiling backstabbers? Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff No dark sarcasm in the classroom How can she be so evil? She's only in high school Not too many straws left I don't think it's quite fair to condemn a whole program because of a single slip-up Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines I honestly think you ought to calm down; take a stress pill and think things over Good Bad I'm the guy with the gun I've got to go implement the stuff on this napkin Tell him to come down here and we'll bite it off! Photoshop: You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave! all accordians and bagpipes Home is where the DSL is Bitter people need not apply There's no shame in being a pariah This is between me and the vegetable Y He must be killed before the others become infected It didn't say anything about shooting way the hell up in the air and exploding I've run out of places to hide secret documents Caffeine, sugar, chocolate AND fat -- now there's a balanced meal! Eskimo I am the text I am the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes It's okay to LovE your Photoshop, but don't LOVE your Photoshop Sometimes the delete key is your greatest friend We're down in the trenches, and we ain't seein' nothin' but trench My pockets hurt If I had six beers, I'd be working faster It's always open season on princesses It's a penguin! And he's been - drinking! Hmmm That would explain the missing hunting knife Let me tell you about my mother The efficiency of the coconut wireless is not to be underestimated Whip me, beat me, make me know love! I am Sci-Fi Mmmm, Shroomy Bears™! Where was I going to go? Detroit? I'm always pleasant when discussing facism That's right, sugar Everything in it is go Timmy!!! Holy flerking schnit! Actually, we're quantum Presbyterians and of course, Big Papa Smurf Initiating mallard linearization Were you just soliliquizing? No, just talking to myself Knot head, eh? I'll show you knot head I've got to go - my transforms are screwy Tonight's play contains full frontal nudity The more it stays the same, the less it changes I prefer to remember Batgirl the way she was Hampster Dance: The Extended Club Mix Monkey paw! Whaddaya want, raccoons? You've got slush! Because Mistress Becky told me to Hey, at least it doesn't shoot out of the box What's with all the Limeaid in the freezer? Lengua! And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?" Did somebody order a pepperoni pizza? Bam chicka wah wah I am the queen of shift-control-alt! Do not tease the dragon you are crunchy and go well with ketchup Holy synthetic instance, Batman! It gives unexpected, yet pleasing results Trust me, I tried it It's trivial, _and_ important Music what helped us do that voodoo we do so well: Michael Brook, James Brown's Funky People, Parliament, Cubanissimo, Jean Michel Jarre, Tom Waits, Frank Zappa, Morphine, Hampster Dance (Extended Dance Mix), Brian Setzer, Portishead, Static X, Motorhead, YES, Korn, Stanley Turrentine, William Orbit, Pantera, White Zombie, Slayer, Godsmack, Gap Band, Nina Simone, KFOG Live from the Archives, Steve Reich, Aimee Mann, Laurie Anderson, Robert Fripp, King Crimson, Puya, Morcheeba, Bob Marley, Steely Dan, Earth Wind and Fire, Eurythmics, Roomful of Blues, Underworld, Contemporary A Cappella Society, Billie Holiday, Spinal Tap, Stevie Wonder, Pure Heart, Aretha Franklin, Talking Heads, Blue Man Group, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Blues Brothers, Professor Longhair, Doc Severinsen, Lyle Lovett, Peter Gabriel, David Lindley, Sevendust, Frank Sinatra, Louis Prima, and the majority of the Rhino Records catalog (they rule!) Copyrighted material appearing in this space is the property of the copyright holder Nanny Nanny Boo Boo Adobe Transient Witticisms™ are only available in products by Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Transient Witticisms is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated (As if we care) I'm gonna get that fifth egg hunter From the Home Office in White Bear Lake (slogan: We've got ice fishing!) Top Ten Signs of the Apocalypse: wait, sorry, that was last night's; here we go Top Ten Signs the Engineering Team has been Working Too Hard: 10. Fix a bug? Do a shot Write a bug? Do a shot 9. 3AM is just another time of day 8. Increasingly dense Nerf™ crossfire 7. None more black 6. Bugball! 5. Rookie lab staff complaining about staying late - at midnight 4. Peet's considers us one of their special valued customers 3. All out of Sugar Frosted Feisty Wheats™ again 2. Executive hair-graying at all time high And the number one sign that the Engineering team has been working too hard: 1 Don Julio: it's not just for breakfast anymore Take off, eh? The funny bits are done Without whose patiences Andrew, Ann, Annette, Helen, Joanna, Karen, Max, Penelope, Ronda, Susan, Jasmine, Joanne Kendra, Rebeka, Royce, Rudi OK, I love you, b'bye!
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TinyTim788 writes:
Did anyone notice "hamster" being misspelled...twice?
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Greebo writes:
One of these weird messages say: "I don't think it's fair to condemn a whole program..." And the next one says: "... because of a single slip-up." Which refers to the Kubrick movie Dr. Strangelove.
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Sariss writes:
Have you guys tried this in PS7 on the Mac? Very similar, hold down the Apple key when you got to 'About Photoshop' and you get this new splash screen with 'Liquid Sky'....
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Mathwiz writes:
Well, if you hold CTRL+ALT while clicking on the about in v7, you get a "Liquid Sky" logo (which is pretty cool), but I can't seem to get any of the "funny quotes" to show up in v7... It may no longer exist, or there may be some other way to do it, I don't know...
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jenna writes:
"Hampster" is not a misspelling, it refers to the "Hampster Dance" website which has a "p" in it. You can actually buy the "Hampster Dance Club Mix" there. It also gives the reason for the extra "p".
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Timi writes:
In addition to Greebo's comment, I add these: The following lines are from Kubrick's film Dr. Strangelove (a must-see :-): Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff I don't think it's quite fair to condemn a whole program because of a single slip-up Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines And this is from the song Another brick in the wall (Pink Floyd): No dark sarcasm in the classroom And many many more, I believe... some small easter eggs in one big egg :)
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moc1man writes:
Great Egg, At the end of the name scrolling it even adds the name of who ever is logged onto the computer as their "special guest"!
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gecko writes:
if you just leave it til the end it shows the messages(Im not sure if you need to look at it twice before it comes up)while you hold the alt key down you should see a block of writing go past quickly, these are the 60 messages.
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Ben Gold writes:
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raytec03 writes:
In Photoshop 7.0, try holding Ctrl down instead of Alt before clicking on About Photoshop. It will bring up a different picture, instead of the big eye.
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adje writes:
Easiest way to see the weird secret messages (photoshop 6.0): Click Help>>About photoshop (do this holding down CTR and ALT and the 'Venus in furs' screen will appear) Wait till the text starts scrolling Press ALT for a while (speeds up scrolling) Left click anywhere in the picture area and the secret messages will start to appear! (after the text "OK, I love you, b'bye!" has shown up, just left click the picture and the messages will start over again.)
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WaPam writes:
works in 7, after you get to the alt screen " Liquid Sky", fast ( or slow doesn't matter ) scroll once thru the credits, then just before the credits re-start click in the white space between the section the credits roll in and the picture of the liquid sky and you'll get the quotes.
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WaPam writes:
In Photoshop 7, I just checked and you can get the same set of "quotes" from the regular picture that pops up when you normaly click on "about photoshop". just wait till the credits go thru once ( or fast-forward by holding the alt key). Once the credits have ran thru once, click on the white space between the area where the credits roll and the bottom of the picture. Time for me to go to bed,, I wonder tho if the set of credits changes if you run thru the credits a second or third time. Has Adobe ever relased any info on eggs .. really really hidden ones no one has found in older programs? Thanks for the hours of fun I had tonight playing around :) WaPam
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vishnu writes:
haha at the end of the credits it says something like 'and a special thanks to [enter 'licenced to' name here], one of our favorite customers!' it was funny when i showed that to some, err, lets say computer illiterate people. they actually thought they knew me personally!!! vishnu
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i was here writes:
when i click on the big eye, the window closes. obviously that shouldn't happen or there would be no egg. will someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?
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