Oracle Form Builder Easter Egg - Hidden Credits

1. Open Oracle Form Builder [32-bit]
2. Press the Control-Alt-Shift-keys
3. Select Help --> About Form Builder from the menubar
4. Instead of the credits screen, first a splash screen should be displayed, giving you some more info about who brought Oracle Toolkit for Windows to you.
5. Don't forget to say 'Hi' to Fred and Alex ;-)
6. By pressing the 'OK' button, the normal About-screen is displayed.

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 54 votes
Contributed By: jm on 02-21-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Oracle Developer 2000 - Form Builder [32-bit] for Windows 95/NT
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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gmoney writes:
I'm surprised this tool had any eggs! This also works for: Oracle Information Navigator 1.0.4, Oracle Report Builder, Graphics Builder, etc ... I'm guessing anything that uses the Oracle Toolkit in the Developer/2000 suite.
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