Hitman: Codename 47 Easter Egg - Developer Names in the Guestbook

"Traditions of the Trade" mission - when Hitman is chatting up the receptionist, you can look in the guest book for Mr.Wuffs room. Also listed in the guest book are a number IO development team members. Martin Guldbaek and Rasmus Kjaer from the graphics and design team are listed, as is Mads Olson from the Q.A. department.

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  4.7/10 with 91 votes
Contributed By: GriffX on 01-31-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Standard install of "HITMAN: CODENAME 47"
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

here are the names.......by: Joé Niehues Bett Junior The Guestbook
here are the names.......by: Joé Niehues Bett Junior The Guestbook

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dAfReSh writes:
I dont know if anyone noticed this but, in the guest book it also has a Danish name Rasmus Kjaer with the room number 666,does anyone know what this means?
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Walle writes:
There's another Egg in "Traditions Of The Trade". In the book where you sign in, there also is a line saying: "Aggemam" Or something like that... That is from a Danish rap-band called "Gramse-spektrum", who's known for saying "Aggemam". Also, in one of the last levels, where you have to kill a professor, there are crazy people running around... If you notice it, some of them actually say: "Aggemam"!!! (I think some of the Danish people knows what I'm talking about.)
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flintrup writes:
Regarding "Aggemam": The Danish "band", Gramsespektrum, is not a rap band. They do rap songs though, but if you listen (and understand) the texts, you will find out that it's all about humor. I like Gramsespektrum. They changed the world. Even though the Aggemam sketch is about 5 years old now, it's still as funny as 5 years ago. Aggemam means "Is that food" in a baby's language. The "Aggemam"-man is asking this all the time - which irritates other people a lot. "Aggemam"? (is that food) "Nej, det er en x" (no, that's a x) where x is replaced with various items "Maam?" (foood?) "Nej - du kan ikke spise det" (No - you can't eat it) That's the basic syntax of aggemam sketches. You need to be Danish in order to understand the humor - and laugh. There's just one mistake : Aggemam is spelled "Aggemam", not "Aggamam" as seen on the car. - Christian Flintrup
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+Holraven+ writes:
Norwegians get it too... LOL
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Actually "gramsespektum" DID not invent the "AGGEMAM" stuff.. its from a kid show called "anna og lotte" and its "buller" who said it first... For helvede det er jo dansk kultur
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