Moto Racer Easter Egg - Alien Landing

1. Start a cace in westway
2. Begin racing until you get ot the old town
3. Wait for the space ship

User Rating:
  5.2/10 with 79 votes
Contributed By: Rory on 07-10-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cman writes:
I can hear a ship, but I don't see it, I keep running out of time!!
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This is not an eegg. It's part of the game that is supposed to be there. Smart one!
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Speedy F16 writes:
This egg only works sometimes. THe sound of the UFO is always present, but the UFO only comes on a random basis
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TimberWolf writes:
There is another "egg" like this in Red City. When you go through the plaza with trees there is sometimes Godzilla stomping around behind the buildings. I discovered this when I crashed there! To get red city type CDNALSI when it asks for your name. You should then be asked to type your name again.
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