Stand By Me Easter Egg - The Real Ray Brauer

The dead kid whom everyone is searching for is named Ray Brauer. Stephen King had a close childhood friend named Raymond Von Brauer who died in a motorcycle accident when they were both 20. He honored his old buddy by using his name in his story "The Body", which is what "Stand By Me" was based on.

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Contributed By: Christian White on 01-28-2001
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Stephen King also commented on E! Television that this story is pretty much an autobiography of his life...everything but the actual search for the dead kid.
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Craz writes:
"The Body" ---> the Movie "Stand By Me", If you have read or seen these then read About Stephen King, The book "The Body" was actually based on a true search, but it was for a Dog, not a Human Body, when Stephen King wrote this he decided it would be much more interesting if it was about a Human Body, Don't ask me where I read it, Cause I don't remember.
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The FOUR SEASONS novel was a collection of short stories, one of which was "The Body", which was made into the movie "Stand by Me". Also, "The Shawshank Redemption" was also a short story in FOUR SEASONS which also went on to become one of the best movies ever made.
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Westopher writes:
Apt pupil and the breathing method were also in the book different seasons. Apt pupil was also made into a movie.
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Also... If I am not mistaken Ace Merril (Played by Keifer Sutherland) is in the book "Needful Things".
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Phreak writes:
There is no book by King called, "Four Seasons"; this movie, as well as Shawshank Repdemtion and Apt Pupil are from the book, "Different Seasons by King. Shawshank Redemption is called, "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption", Stand by Me "The Body", and Apt Pupil as the same title.
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Tinkerbell20 writes:
Yeah you are right, Ace Merril is one of the crazies who blows up castle rock at the end of Needful Things (I so didnt just finish reading that last night...tum ti tum!)
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kerbear writes:
Okay, you need to stop calling it the FOUR Seasons. The Four Seasons is a hotel. The book is DIFFERENT Seasons. King put out another book called Four Past Midnight that has several short novellas in it.
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sars writes:
I think you'll find the Four Seasons was a violin concerto long before it was a Hotel.
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