Muppet Christmas Carol Easter Egg - Beeker Flicks Off Scrooge

Watch the movie. About 15 minutes in, the two want donations from Mr. Scrooge. 2 minutes later when there leaving beeker says "me me me meee!!" and filcks him off.

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  3.5/10 with 178 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Video
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DERANGED502 writes:
I don't think Beaker gives Scrooge the finger. I think Beaker was trying to say, "wait" in hand signals. It's like holding up one finger to say "just one minute", or something to that effect.
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birdman writes:
I thought Beaker was flipping off Scrooge at first too, but then I replayed the scene a few more times. Of course, Muppets only have four fingers on each hand, so maybe that along with the angle of the shot is part of the confusion. If you look closely, you'll see that Beaker is actually pointing with his index finger.
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Mimi46 writes:
That's right. Beaker is only trying to reason and talk to Mr. Scrooge, or who ever the hell he is. He is holding up his index finger as to say, "wait a minute!!!" or something like that. tell me if I'm wrong.
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RngeCrush writes:
Now, I personally don't think that Beaker is flipping Scrooge off, even though he might have deserved it (although the first time I saw the movie, I did). But, I also don't believe for a second that Beaker is saying "Wait a minute." I seem to remember Beaker having a not so nice look on his face. If Beaker is merely holding up his index finger, I think due to the look on his face, it's less of a "wait a minute" and more of a "I've got your number," or something like that.
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McStump writes:
When my friends and I first noticed this, there was much debate as to whether beaker had or had not in fact flipped scrooge the bird. We actually went frame by frame to determine this. Beaker has a thumb and three fingers on his hand, and he is very clearly raising the middle of those three fingers.
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slimergirl writes:
this is a debate that has been going on since the movie first came out, I don't mean to be rude to you all but get a life.
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