RegCleaner Easter Egg - RegCleaner Easter Egg (v3.8)

RegCleaner available at

1- Open RegCleaner
2- Go to the menu Help -> About RegCleaner
3- Hold down on the Shift and Ctrl button
4- Click on the icon in the upper left corner
5- Read what the eggs says

Example Egg Message: "For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain."

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 146 votes
Contributed By: Fish B8 on 01-10-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Version 3.8 any build (may also be in earlier versions)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Fish B8 writes:
There are two other eggs in this program. (Both have something to do with the search feature) However, I have net yet found them.
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KillerBob writes:
Hehe. Works in latest version too. Seems Nullsoft likes adding them, 'cuz Winamp's full of 'em. "If Everything's coming your way, then you're in the wrong lane."
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xXLizzXx writes:
I have version 4.3, and it works perfectly. It's hilarious. :)
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TreVVy writes:
This egg works fine in version 4.3 aswell but the logo to click on (in the version I have at least) is in the top RIGHT of the 'About' window.Just a small point... :)
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*The everlasting dilemma: If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?.... *Energizer bunny arrested for battery BTW-Win XP users-RegCleanr(by jv) no longer working on your OS? Author tells me this is a big (common) problem but he's "stumped" as to why. Ahem. Very recently,since emailing him,I got mine working again. Post my passing along resolve(s)I ask you do the same-agree to post somewhere relevant on the net. *Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm....
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