Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Easter Egg - Black and White

The original version of Rocky Horror Picture Show was shot in black and white at the beginning. When Frank stepped out of the elevator, at the moment Janet screamed, the picture turned color.

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Contributed By: Goat on 09-07-1999
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Another Black and White reference...Janet's shoes at the wedding are black, but once she and Brad get out of their car to use the phone at the castle, they are white.
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Forghrim writes:
Her shoes changed colors, because she changed clothes. I could be wrong, but I also don't think it is an Easter Egg that Brad's tuxedo also changed into slacks and a sweater -- they just didn't make a big deal out of the changing clothes in the film.
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Weeble writes:
Slight correction. It was to be B/W until you see Frank turn round, Then all you see is his lips in Red until he throws off his cape when everything (except some of the paintings - Mona Lisa for example) turn colour. You can clearly see the lighting change to accommodate this.
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Mole_Man writes:
uuuuhhhh, you are wrong the part when it turns to color is the minute brad and janet bust through the ballroom doors, if you buy the movie on dvd it's a secret, you can see the b/w to color version
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Hey, this might relate to the possible Wizard of Oz references that were mentioned under the "Cast Cameos" egg...
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Actually, the original black and white ended when they step thru the door at the beginning of the Time Warp.
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KCM writes:
You can actually see the original version of Rocky with the black and white beginning with the DVD version of the movie (its an egg, look under Movies>DVD>Rocky Horror for the directions on how to access it) Also, the Wizard of Oz 'cameos' weren't eggs. All of the people at the beginning are manifested into the characters in Oz during Dorthy's dream...and so the Witch, lion, Tinman, Scarecrow, Wizard, etc all were characters in her dream based on the people she knew in her real life. In fact, during the farmhand's lines at the begining of the movie, they actually refer to the weaknesses that their dream characters posses.
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Rachel M writes:
it was when you saw his lips. This was because the original show, sweet transvestite came before time warp. its a bit different. check it out at and go into the rocky horror section and then go to scripts. find the original show script. everything is very different
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Doomsdaykid writes:
On the documentary it said that they thought they were going to film it in black and white but they didn't, they filmed it in colour. The black and white thing on the DVD is a recreation of what it might look like (the colour turned into black and white) the sets were made to be black and white but the actual movie was shot in colour. It was going to be colour when Frank enters but the time warp was later put before he enters instead of after so when they were recreating the b/w version they couldn't have had the time warp in b/w so they changed the moment when it went to colour
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