Futurama Easter Egg - Rocket Bus

In the begining of Futurama theres like a rocket bus or a space bus, if you look in the windows, you can see some of the characters from The Simpsons which is a series that was made by Matt Groening (the guy who made Futurama.)

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  6.1/10 with 115 votes
Contributed By: CyRaX on 09-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A TV and your eyes
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shamrock writes:
I couldn't see this egg anywhere!
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Trivimaster writes:
This is impossible, the windows are way too small to see anyone in them!
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Kyle writes:
I like the clarification there, as if no one knows who The Simpsons are.
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Wowbagger writes:
Are you really sure about this? I can't see it either! But if you watch the trailer in slo-mo there's lot's of other interesting stuff in it to see: * Some sort of "bar sign" which says "Girl, girls, aliens!" * A guy in the tube reading a newspaper, with a funny headline (well...em...I just forgot the text *G*) * Another one of the alien-language-graffitis (how many Fs and Ts are in this word by the way?) but I didn't translate it yet. It's obvious that there's lots of work (many details) even in this trailer! Cute! --Michael
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Kid_.A.T. writes:
I wasn't able to catch the bus or read the newspaper headline, but here are a few characters that go through the tubes: 1st Tube Amy Hermes Kip The human cop 2nd Tube Dr Zoidberg Zapp Brannigan 3rd Tube Man holding the legible newspaper Also at the end the sky is filled with Zeppelins and one old-old airplane. Nice contrast to have early 1900's aircraft moving along with the jet cars!
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Casull writes:
That old airplane Kid_A.T. mentioned is a reference to the movie "Metropolis" from 1926. The movie is set in a very futuristic city with heavy airplane-traffic (airplanes were thought to be the personal transportation of the future in the 20's) The buildings in "Futurama" are all based on the style from "Metropolis", so it makes sense to put in another little egg as a tribute to what is considered the forerunner of modern Sci-fi.
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doughnut writes:
On the newspaper that the man is reading in the 3rdtube is the caption MOON PIE FIGHT IN MARS BAR, also just after the 2nd tube there is another billboard with a two worded alien message.
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woooooooooo writes:
the sign says '3d rulez!'
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Draconian writes:
You'll also see an alien sign that says TASTY HUMAN BURGERS in the Futurama cipher #1. Apparently some aliens find humans good to eat and are catered to. One episode has an ambulance with, predictably, AMBULANCE written in mirror-image on the front, but also has alien letters in backwards order which spell MEAT TRUCK.
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wow I denfinatley don't know what the simpsons are!
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flexo writes:
also in the opening credits there is a sign just after the second tube set that read 3D RULES but it is best viewed frame by frame
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ohhwerdd writes:
Also when you look in the opening credits where they show the statue of liberty, instead of a torch she has what looks to be a laser gun.
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