Half-Life: Front Line Force Easter Egg - It Aunz Ya!

1). Start a game of Front Line Force. It could be on the Internet, or LAN game etc, but just start a game of FLF somehow. (NOT TESTED ON LAN GAME)

2). Bring down the console, usually the ~ (tilde) key or the ` (apostrophe) key.

3). Type "aunz" (without the quotation marks) into the console, and press Return.

4). Enjoy the HILARIOUS SOUND!!! :)
It also displays something like FLF AUNZ YA MUDAFOOKA in the console; can't remember exactly.

If you can't get it to work it says something like:
It's VERY weird, but this is one helluva Easter Egg!! :)

Enjoy! And good luck!! :)

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: Snoop Dog on 01-06-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: You'll need Half-Life, and the popular mod; Front Line Force, Hands, Ears and Eyes.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Snoop Dog writes:
Just some verifications:- 1). Tested on LAN game, works fine. 2). You can type it way you like (aunz, AUNZ, Aunz, AuNz etc.). 3). When you type it, it really says:- "Front Line Force aunz yuo MADAFAKA!!!!!11111 =D". Note the "you" spelling mistake, and the "1"s instead of "!"s!! 4). Instead of starting the game at all (LAN OR Internet), you can simply:- a). Click on the "Console" button at the top. b). Type "aunz", without quotes and press Return (Enter). c). Enjoy it! * sn00p d0G *
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