Platoon Easter Egg - Valor

I watched this film while stationed at Ft. Bragg.
It disturbed many of us because it showed misplaced loyalty, disillusion and uncommon valor.
It was too real for many Vietnam veterans.

Captain Harris spoke to the terrified soldier over his field phone. The soldier reported that his company was being over-run. Captain Harris told him to hold on to his position and to stay in contact for his company's sake. The last words that the captain heard over his phone were being spoken in Vietnamese.

When he realized that the fight around his own position was being lost, he called in an air-strike on his coordinates. This action turned the tide of battle.

This actor was a real Vietnam War Veteran. His name is Dale Dye. He was a highly decorated Marine who had two tours in-country. Dale Dye was the military advisor for this true/fiction movie. His focus on his role put a lump into the throat of countless soldiers and marines who saw "PLATOON".

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 182 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 01-04-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch this classic
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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vonbontee writes:
Hey Rooster - Didja know that Dale played a similar role in both Brian DePalma's "Casualties of War" (great) and "Saving Private Ryan"?
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Yea, Cpt Dale Dye, USMC also was the military advisor for the Dreamworks\Electronic Arts game for Playstation called Medal of Honor, which is loosely on the storyline of Saving Private Ryan. Hes seen at the end of the game credits calling a roll call for a class of the game designers I think. Its a really accurate game, thanx to his professional advice.
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KC Taylor writes:
Let's not forget Dale Dye role in HBO's "Band of Brothers". Yes he played a Colonel, but he was also the military advisor. Granted there were several directors involved in the series, however he served as drill sergeant to the cast to get them in "military shape" as they attended a makeshift boot camp.
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