Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Easter Egg - Paintings

Just before we see Frank carving up Eddie for the big birthday feast for Rocky's birthday, the Criminologist speaks for a while. His book is opened to display Da Vinci's "The Last Supper". When we see Riff Raff and Magenta for the first time, they're dressed as the old couple from Grant Wood's "American Gothic". Later, when we see them in their butler and maid outfits, the actual painting is seen on the wall beside Riff's grandma's coffin. When the Criminologist is speaking of how Eddie caused his mother pain, he's looking at "Whistler's Mother". There are many other great paintings in the film, such as the "Mona Lisa", but I'm not sure if they hold any significance.

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  6.4/10 with 37 votes
Contributed By: Puck on 09-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A theater ticket and a pair of eyes (one will do, even)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Goblin writes:
The Whistler's Mother painting is in fact a photograph and the person playing the part of the Mother is Meat Loaf (Eddie)
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Mike Graves writes:
This is brilliant! I knew about these pictures, but I'd never noticed the Last Supper before. Thanks!
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justyn writes:
There are actually two Mona Lisa paintings. One on each side of the door where they do the Time Warp. They are mirror images of each other.
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Rachel M writes:
There's another one. In the swimming pool, there's a rather large representation of "Boy to Man". Notice how this makes sense and ties with the song "I can make you a man"
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Spazzmin writes:
You will find also, that one (or more?) of the statues in the lab are none other than replicas of Michelangelos creations - David. I thought that the picture on the bottom of pool was called - 'Creation of adam' The one on the left lying naked in the picture is Adam, the older man on the right surrounded by naked somen - supposedly god.
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soundless writes:
When the butler threatens to shoot frank his weapon looks like a pitch-fork, such as in the painting
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Salem writes:
About that pool artwork: It is in fact Adam and "God", which is why we have the live callback: "What the hell seperates man from his god? A f***in transvestite, of course." Salem, Stage Manager of A Rather Tasteless Joke,
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