Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Easter Egg - Nixon Resigns and the World Goes to Hell

Richard Nixon is announcing his resignation on the radio just as Brad's tire blows out. Yeah, I know. This is pretty much common knowledge amongst most "Rocky" fans, but people that haven't seen it much may not have caught it, yet.

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  4.3/10 with 33 votes
Contributed By: Puck on 09-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Go see the movie next time it's playing near you
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Goat writes:
I knew about it, but it's not really a big deal in our midnight Rocky shows... we're too busy doing windshield wipers. Windshield wipers on pot! (wave arms around) Windshield wipers on viagra! (stick arms straight up) etc.
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Puck writes:
Ha, ha! I don't think I've seen an audience do that one. I like it, though. I've seen various things done by the audience during this part of the movie, most of them loud and rowdy. I suppose to be able to hear Nixon you should watch the movie at home. I only recommended seeing it in the theater because as good as the movie is on it's own, it's greatly improved with the audience participation.
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Xel writes:
oh god, i hate those friggin windshield wipers. theyre noit done at our show, thank god. but every once in awhile we get ONE or TWO people from, i dunno, Ohio or California or something and they go to town and i want to strangle them :)
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Tom writes:
Historical Error: The Narrator ("This man has no neck!") states that the events in question took place in November. Nixon resigned in August.
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reader writes:
The show started as a "fringe" theatre production, at the Chelsea Theatre which was actually a small cinema converted for the occasion. The time allusions are all '50s. The show didn't have the Nixon bit---it was added in the movie, I would guess to define Brad's character.
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Brookie! writes:
This was discussed in a Rocky Horror Documentary that I saw and they said that the speech was on (even though it was the wrong month) so that people would catch that and think what a dork Brad was listening to reruns of Nixon speeches.
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larryv4711 writes:
I love the windsheild wipers bit. What theatre do you guys do it at? As far as why Brad is listening to nixon in the wrong month, it was really to set his charachter as an american. Not in a specific month or anything, but that was on a lot of peoples minds at the time that the movie was said to be taking place. Grandted, not late in november though. At the end of the speech you can hear morse code. I was in a relatively empty quiet theatre one week (Teaneck NJ) when I head theis, turned to my friend and said "Nixon to Brad, Nixon to brad, come in brad". He fell over laughing.
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Eagle writes:
That Nixon egg would be something that Urban Legend Reference Pages site should have.
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justicegirl8 writes:
Anyone ever thing it could be a re-broadcast? I mean, they were in the car at like, 10 at night or something.
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Huga writes:
It's not a re-broadcast. Richard O'brien himself says it's there sort of mistakenly. In the DVD commentary, he says it's a mistake, but that the Nixon speech defines it as American (the movie was shot in England y'know)
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GwenGrrl writes:
actually, if you noticed the newspapers Brad and Jannet block the rain with, they have Nixions resignation on the head lines. i think it would be QUITE the conuinsidence for it to be random old newspapers AND a re-run of the speech...
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dubvchic writes:
Xel, isnt the point of theaters with audience participation to have fun while watching the movie? the is hardly a reason to get that irritated about people having fun at that certain point in the movie...its not like they are hurting anybody
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